THE LIST: New Jersey’s 750 9/11 Victims

The world changed 23 years ago, Save Jerseyans. There are a handful of dates on the human calendar after which life was significantly different than it was before. September 11, 2001 is one such date, right up there with Pearl Harbor and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Amazingly, this year’s college senior weren’t alive when the towers came down. A second generation – Alpha – will soon follow Generation Z into adulthood with no firsthand experience of the events that reshaped the Middle East, gave rise to the modern surveillance state, changed air travel forever, and altered out politics. They’re also lacking critical context as to why the Biden-Harris abrupt pullout of Afghanistan was not only devastating geopolitically and in terms of the lives loss but also damaging to the psyche of so many who suffered on 9/11 and in the aftermath. Meanwhile, the current Democrat nominee for president continues to trivialize the day by comparing it to the January 6th riot on Capitol Hill.

750 Garden State residents perished in total between coordinated Al Qaeda attacks on Lower Manhattan, the Pentagon in Northern Virginia, and an aborted attack on the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 in rural Pennsylvania.

An alphabetical listing of New Jersey’s fallen has been reproduced for you below:


Adams, Donald L.
Adler, Lee
Afflitto, Daniel
Agarwal, Alok
Agarwala, Mukul
Aguiar, Joao Alberto da Fonseca (J.J.)
Ahern, Jeremiah
Alameno, Andrew
Albero, Gary M.
Allegretto, Edward L.
Allingham, Christopher
Alviar, Cesar A.
Alvin P. Kappelmann, Jr.
Amanullah, Tariq
Amoroso, Christopher Charles
Anderson, Kermit C.
Andrucki, Jean
Ang, Siew-Nya
Antigua, Lorraine D.
Apollo, Peter Paul
Arczynski, Michael
Arévalo, Kenneth P. Lira
Aron, Jack
Aronow, Richard A.
Asciak, Michael
Aversano, Jr., Louis F.

Babakitis, Arlene T.
Bacchus, Eustace R.
Badagliacca, John
Bailey, Brett T.
Baksh, Michael
Barbaro, Paul
Barbosa, Ivan Kyrillos Fairbanks
Barkow, Colleen Ann
Baron, Evan Jay
Barrett-Arjune, Reneé L.
Barry, Maurice Vincent
Basmajian, Alysia
Bauer, W. David
Bautista, Marlyn C.
Bay, Lorraine G.
Beamer, Todd
Beatini, Paul
Beatty, Jane Sandra
Beckles, Manette
Beekman, Michael E.
Behr, Mariá Asunción
Bellows, Debbie S.
Bennett, Bryan Craig
Benson, Margaret L.
Berger, Steven H.
Bergstein, Daniel D.
Bernaerts-Kearns, Donna Marie
Berry, Joseph J.
Bethke, William
Betterly, Timothy D.
Bharvaney, Anil
Bhukhan, Bella
Blair, Susan Leigh
Blood Jr., Richard M.
Bocchi, John Paul
Bogdan, Nicholas
Boisseau, Lawrence
Boland Jr., Vincent
Bondarenko, Alan
Booker, Sr., Sean
Bordeaux, Sherry Ann
Bordenabe, Krystine
Boryczewski, Martin “Marty”
Bosco, Richard Edward
Bowden, Thomas
Braca, Alfred J.
Brady, David
Brandemarti, Nicholas W.
Bravo, Lydia E.
Breitweiser, Ronald Michael
Brennan, III, Edward A. (Ted)
Bright, Gary L.
Broderick, Mark F.
Bruce, Mark
Buckley, Dennis
Buhse, Patrick J.
Bulaga, Jr., John Edward
Burns, Keith James

Caguicla, Cecile M.
Cahill, Scott W.
Cahill, Thomas J.
Calderon, Edward
Calia, Dominick E.
Callahan, Liam
Calvi, Gino
Campbell, David Otey
Candela, John A.
Cangialosi, Stephen J.
Carlone, David G.
Carney, Mark Stephen
Casazza, John F.
Cashman, William Joseph
Caspar, William Otto
Castaño, Alejandro
Castillo, Arcelia
Caton, Christopher Sean
Cayne, Jason David
Centeno, Ana M.
Chairnoff, Jeffrey M.
Chalasani, Swarna
Charette, Mark
Cherry, Douglas
Chevalier, Swede Joseph
Chiarchiaro, Dorothy J.
Ching, Eddie Wing Wai
Chirls, Catherine E.
Cho, Kyung Hee (Casey)
Christophe, Kirsten Lail
Chucknick, Steven Paul
Clark, Gregory Alan
Clark, Thomas Richard
Cody, Patricia A.
Cohen, Kevin S.
Colasanti, Christopher
Colbert, Michael P.
Coleman, Keith
Coll II, Robert Joseph
Collins, John M.
Collins, Michael L.
Colõn, Linda M.
Conde, Albert
Connolly Jr., John “Jack”
Connolly, Cynthia
Connor, James L.
Cook, Dennis Michael
Cooper, John
Coppola, Gerard J.
Correa-Gutierrez, Danny A.
Costa, Dolores M.
Costello Jr., Charles G.
Costello, Michael Shamus
Cramer, Christopher S.
Crant, Denise Elizabeth
Crawford, Jr., James L.
Crotty, Kevin R.
Crowe, John R.
Cruz, John Robert
Cua, Grace Alegre
Cudina, Richard Joseph
Cummins, Brian T.
Cunningham, Michael Joseph
Cushing, Patricia
Cushny, Gavin Fraser

Da Costa, Carlos S.
Dack, Caleb Arron
Dahl, Jason
Dale, Brian Paul
Damaskinos, Thomas A.
D’Ambrosi, Jr., Jack L.
Damiani-Jones, Jeannine
Darling, Elizabeth
Davidson, Michael Allen
de Chavez, Jayceryll M.
De Santis, Jemal Legesse
DeBlase, Jr, James V.
Delapenha, Donald A.
Dellabella, Andrea
Deloughery, Colleen Ann
DeLuca, Joseph
Deming, Francis X.
Dennis, Kevin
DePalma, Jean C.
DeRienzo, Michael
DeSimone III, Edward
DeSimone, Christian Louis
D’Esposito, Michael J.
Devitt Jr., Robert P.
Diaz-Piedra III, Michael
Dickinson, Lawrence Patrick
Diehl, Michael D.
DiFazio, Vincent F.
Dimino, Stephen Patrick
Dincuff, Christopher More
Dionisio Jr., Anthony
DiStefano, Douglas Frank
Doany, Ramzi A.
Dolan, Brendan
Dolan, Robert Edward
Dollard, Neil Matthew
Dorf, Stephen Scott
Doyle, Frank Joseph
Driscoll, Patrick Joseph
Dudek, Luke
Duger, Antoinette
Dunn, Patrick
Dunstan, Richard Anthony

Eberling, Dean P.
Echtermann, Margaret
Eckna, Paul Robert
Egan, Lisa E.
Egan, Michael
Egan, Samantha M.
Eichler, John E.
Elder, Daphne
Elmarry, Albert
Emery Jr., Edgar H.
Erwin, William J.
Espinoza, Fanny
Etzold, Barbara G.
Evans, Eric Brian
Ewart, Meredith Emily June

Fagan, Patricia Mary
Fallon, William F.
Farley, Nancy
Farrell, John W.
Fatha, Syed Abdul
Faughnan, Christopher Edward
Fazio, Ronald Carl
Feidelberg, Peter
Feinberg, Alan David
Felt, Edward P.
Ferguson, George J.
Fernandez, Judy Hazel S.
Ferreira, Anne Marie
Ferrugio, David F.
Fersini Jr., Louis V.
Fialko, Jennifer Louise
Finnegan, Michael Bradley
Finnerty, Timothy J.
Fiorelli, Stephen J.
Fischer-Gibbon, Debra Lynn
Fisher, John R.
Fisher, Thomas J.
Fiumefreddo, Salvatore
Fogel, Stephen
Folger, Jane C.
Foo, Chih Min “Dennis”
Forsythe, Christopher Hugh
Foster, Noel
Fox, Jeffrey L.
Frank, Gary J.
Fraser, Colleen Laura
Frederick, Lillian I.
Friedman, Paul Joshua
Froehner, Gregg
Furmato, Paul James

Gaff, Pamela Lee
Gallagher, Daniel J.
Gallucci, Vincent
Gardner III, Harvey Joseph
Gardner, Jeffrey Brian
Gatton, Boyd
Genovese, Steven Gregory
Gentul, Alayne
Giaccone, Joseph
Gilbert, Andrew Clive
Gilbert, Timothy
Gilbey, Paul Stuart
Giordano, Donna Marie
Gitto, Salvatore
Glasser, Thomas
Glenn, Harry
Glick, Barry H.
Glick, Jeremy
Gogliormella, Michael
Goldberg, Brian F.
Goldstein, Steven Ian
Gonzalez, Rosa J.
Gorman, Thomas Edward
Gould, Michael Edward
Grady, Christopher Michael
Gray, Christopher Stewart
Grazioso, John M.
Grazioso, Timothy G.
Green, Wanda
Greene, Gayle
Greenstein, Eileen
Gregory, Donald H.
Grehan, Pedro
Griffin, John M.
Griffith, Joan Donna
Grouzalis, Kenneth
Gu, Michael Liming
Guadagno, Richard
Gurian, Douglas B.
Guza, Philip T.

Halligan, Robert J.
Hamilton, Felicia
Han, Frederic K.
Hannaford, Kevin James
Hargrave, Timothy J.
Harris, Stewart D.
Hartz, John Clinton
Harvey, Emeric
Hatton Jr., Leonard W.
Hazelcorn, Scott Jordan
Heltibridle, JoAnn L.
Hemschoot, Mark F.
Hennessey, Brian F.
Hepburn, Robert
Hobson lll, Robert Wayne
Hoey, Patrick A.
Hoffmann, Frederick J.
Hoffmann, Michele
Holland, Joseph
Homer Jr., LeRoy W.
Horning, Matthew Douglas
Horohoe, Jr., Robert L.
Houston, Uhuru “Gonja”
Huczko, Jr., Stephen
Hughes Jr., Robert T. “Bobby”
Hughes, Jr., Thomas F.
Hughes, Timothy R.
Huie, Susan
Hunt-Casey, Kathleen A.

Ianelli, Joseph Anthony
Ibis, Zuhtu
Infante, Jr., Anthony P.
Ingrassia, Christopher Noble
Innella, Paul W.
Jablonski, Virginia M.
Jacobs, Jason Kyle
Jacobs, Michael G.
James, Gricelda E.
Jeffries-Sanchez, Alva C.
Jensen, Alan
Jerath, Prem Nath
Jian, Hweidar
Johnson, Scott Michael
Jones II, Donald Thomas
Jones, Allison Horstmann
Joseph, Stephen

Kadaba, Shashikiran
Kandell, Shari Ann
Kane, Howard L.
Kane, Jennifer Lynn
Kang, Joon Koo
Kanter, Sheldon
Kaplan, Deborah H.
Karczewski, Charles H.
Kaulfers, Robert M.
Kawauchi, Hideya
Keane, Edward Thomas
Keating, Paul H.
Keene III, Leo Russell
Keller, Joseph John
Kelly Jr.William H.
Kelly, Thomas Michael
Kennedy, Robert C.
Keohane, John Richard
Kestenbaum, Howard L.
Khandelwal, Rajesh
Khoo, SeiLai
Kim, Andrew Jay-Hoon
King, Andrew Marshall
Klein, Peter A.
Kleinberg, Alan
Knox, Thomas Patrick
Koborie, Rebecca Lee
Koo, Bon-seok
Kopiczko, Dorota
Kousoulis, Danielle
Kyte, Angela R.

La Corte, Andrew
Ladkat, Ganesh  K.
Ladley, James P.
LaForte, Michael Patrick
Lai, Neil K.
Laieta, Vincent Anthony
Lalama, Franco
Lam, Chow Kwan Francis
Lang, Brendan Mark
Lang, Rosanne P.
Lapin, Ruth S.
Larkey, Robin
Larson, John Adam
Lassman, Nicholas C.
Laszczynski, Paul
Laverty, Anna
Lawn, Steven
Lawrence, Jr., Robert A.
Leavy, Neil J.
Lebor, Leon
Ledee, Kenneth
Lederman, Alan J.
Lee, David S.
Lee, Myoung Woo
Lemagne, David Prudencio
Lennon, John
Leon, Jorge
Levine, Robert M.
Lewis, Margaret
Liangthanasarn, Orasri
Lillianthal, Steven
Lilore, Craig D.
Linehan, Jr., Thomas Vincent
Linton, Alan
LinWei, Rong
Liu, Ming-Hao
Lohez, Jerome
Lopez, Manuel L.
Louis, Stuart
Lovero, Joseph L.
Luckett, Edward “Ted”
Lunder, Christopher E.
Lynch, James F.
Lynch, Robert H.
Lynch, Sean Patrick

Macko, William J.
Madden II, Richard Blaine
Maddison, Simon
Magnuson, Ronald
Maher, Daniel L.
Maler, Alfred Russell
Malone, Gregory James
Maltby, Christian H.
Mangano, Joseph
Marcin, Hilda
Mardikian, Peter Edward
Marrero, Jose Juan
Martello, James
Martin, Jr., William J. .
Martineau, Brian E.
Martinez, Waleska
Martino-Cramer, Anne Marie
Mastrandrea, Philip William
Mathers, Charles William
Mathesen, William A.
Mattson, Robert D.
Mauro, Charles J.
May, Tyrone
Mayo, Robert J.
Mbaya, Kaaria
McAlary, Jr., James
McArthur, Colin
McCabe, Michael J.
McCann, Thomas J.
McDay, Tonyell F.
McDermott, Matthew T.
McDonald, Joseph
McDonnell, Michael P.
McGarry Noack, Katherine “Katie”
McGinley, Daniel Francis
McGinnis, Thomas Henry
McGovern, Scott M.
McGowan, Stacey Sennas
McGuire, Patrick Joseph
McHeffey, Keith David
McLaughlin Jr., George P.
McMahon, Gavin
McNally, Edmund M.
Meehan, Damian Peter
Mendoza, Lizette
Meyer, David
Micciulli, William E.
Michelstein, Martin P.
Milano, Peter T.
Milanowycz, Gregory
Miller, Michael Matthew
Miller, Robert Alan
Miller, Robert Cromwell Miller
Minervino, Louis J.
Mircovich, Domenick “Mosh”
Mirpuri, Rajesh A.
Molisani, Jr., Justin John
Monahan, John
Montano, Craig
Morello, Steven P.
Morgan, Richard
Morris, Seth A.
Morrone, Ferdinand V.
Motroni, Marco
Moutos, Peter Constantine
Mullin, Michael J.
Munhall, James D.
Murach, Robert Michael
Murolo, Marc
Murphy, Charles A.
Murphy, Edward C.
Murphy, James Thomas
Murphy, Patrick Jude
Murphy, Patrick Sean
Murray, John
Murray, John J.
Murray, Susan D.

Napier, Alexander
Naples, Frank Joseph
Nardella, Catherine A.
Nath, Narender
Navas, Joseph Michael
Nazario, Francis
Negron, Pete
Nelson, James A.
Newton-Carter, Christopher
Niederer, Martin Stewart
Niedermeyer III, Alfonse J.
Nimbley, Paul R.
Nolan, Daniel Robert
Novotny, Brian Christopher

O’Brien, Michael P.
O’Connor, Keith Kevin
O’Grady, James Andrew
Oliver, Edward K.
O’Neill, John P.
Orsini, Ronald
Ose, Masaru
O’Shea, Bobby
Ouida, Todd Joseph

Pakkala, Deepa
Pandolfo, Dominique Lisa
Parakat, Vinod
Parandkar, Nitin Ramesh
Parker, Philip Lacey
Parks, Jr., Robert E.
Parmar, Hashmukhrai C.
Paskins, Jerrold H.
Passaro, Suzanne
Patel, Manish
Paterson, Steven B.
Patti, Cira Marie
Pelino, Todd Douglas
Pena, Angel R.
Perconti Jr., Jon A.
Perez, Alejo
Perez, Angel
Perez, Nancy E.
Peterson, Donald
Peterson, Jean
Pezzuti, Kaleen
Pham, Tu Anh
Phillip, Michael San
Picarro, Ludwig J.
Picerno, Matthew M.
Pick, Joseph O.
Pietronico, Bernard
Pietrunti, Nicholas P.
Piskadlo, Joseph
Plumitallo, Joseph Bernard
Pocher, John M.
Polhemus, Thomas H.
Pollio, Susan M.
Potorti, James E.
Pouletsos, Daphne
Poulos, Stephen
Preziose, Gregory M.
Pruim, David
Pullis, Edward
Pycior, Jr., Joseph John
Pykon, Edward Richard

Quigley, Beth Ann
Quigley,  lV, Patrick James

Raja, Ehtesham
Ramos, Harry
Rancke, Alfred Todd
Ranganath, Srinivasa
Ransom, Anne Talsky
Rasweiler, R. Mark
Rathkey, David Alan James
Raub, William R.
Reed, Michele M.
Reese, Judith A.
Regan, Thomas M.
Reidy, Gregg
Reinig, Thomas Barnes
Reisman, Frank
Rescorla, Richard “Rick” C.
Reynolds, Bruce
Rhodes, John Frederick
Riccardelli, Francis S.
Richards, Venesha  Orinthia
Rimmele III, Frederick
Rivera, Isaias
Rizza, Paul V.
Roach, Stephen Louis
Roberto, Joseph
Roberts, Leo
Robertson Jr., Donald W.
Robinson, Jeffery
Robotham, Michell Callum
Rocha, Antonio Augusto
Rocha, Raymond J.
Rodak, John Michael
Rodriguez, Carmen
Rodriguez, Marsha A.
Rodriguez, Richard
Rohner, Scott William
Romero, Elvin
Romito, James
Rosario, Aida
Rosenbaum, Linda
Rosenbaum, Sheryl Lynn
Rosenberg, Lloyd
Rosenberg, Mark
Rosenblum, Joshua M.
Rosenthal, Richard David
Rosetti, Daniel
Rossinow, Norman
Rothenberg, Mark David
Rowe, Nicholas Charles Alexander
Ruben, Ronald J.
Russin, Steven Harris
Russo, Wayne Alan
Ryan, John Joseph

Sacerdote, Joseph F.
Salamone, John Patrick
Salerno Jr, John Salvatore
Salinardi, Jr., Richard
Samuel Jr., James K.
Sands, Jr., James
Santillan, Maria Theresa C.
Saracini, Victor J.
Sarkar, Kalyan
Sattaluri, Deepika
Schertzer, Scott Mitchell
Schlag, Steven F.
Schlissel, Jon
Schneider, Ian
Schroeder, John
Schuler, Susan
Scorca, Raphael
Sellitto, Matthew C.
Serrano, Frankie
Seymour-Dietrich, Karen Lynn
Sgroi, Thomas
Shah, Jayesh Shantilal
Shahid, Khalid M.
Shastri, Neil
Shaw, Barbara A.
Shefi, Hagay
Shulman, Mark
Shum, See-Wong
Siegel-Schwartz, Clarin S.
Silverstein, Craig Andrew
Simmons, Bruce Edward
Simon, Kenneth Alan
Simon, Michael
Simone, Marianne Teresa
Skala, John P.
Skidmore, Jr., Francis J.
Skinner, Toyena
Skrzypek, Paul Albert
Smith, Catherine T.
Smith, Sr., Karl T.
Snyder Jr., Leonard J.
Sohan, Astrid Elizabeth
Song, Daniel Wonhyeong
Sorresse, Michael
Soto, Fabian
Soulas, Timothy P.
Spencer, Robert Andrew
Spinelli, Jr., Frank J.
Stadelberger, Richard J.
Stahlman, Eric Adam
Starita, Anthony M.
Staub, Craig William
Steinman, Alexander Robbins
Stewart, Michael James
Strada, Thomas
Straine, Jr., James J.
Straub, Edward W.
Strauch, George J.
Strauss, Edward T.
Strobert, Steven F.
Suarez, David Scott
Sugiyama, Yoichi
Sullivan, Thomas G.
Sutter, Selina
Swenson, Kenneth
Swift, Thomas
Sztejnberg, Gina

Takahashi, Keiji
Talhami, Robert Ramzi
Tanner, Michael Anthony (Tiny)
Taormina Jr., Dennis G.
Tarantino, Kenneth Joseph
Tartaro, Ronald
Tembe, Yesh
Tempesta, Anthony
Thomas, Lesley
Thompson, Clive “Ian”
Thompson, Perry A.
Tieri, Sal
Tiesi, Mary
Tieste, William R.
Tietjen, Kenneth F.
Tino, Jennifer M.
Tipaldi, Robert F.
Tobin, John J.
Todisco, Richard J.
Traina, Christopher Michael
Travers, Walter P.
Trerotola, Lisa L.
Trinidad, Michael Angel
Trombino, Francis Joseph
Tselepis, William P.
Tsoy, Zhanetta
Tucker, Michael Patrick
Tumulty, Lance Richard

Ueltzhoeffer, John G.
Uliano, Michael A.
Umarkar, Anil S.

Van Auken, Kenneth W.
Van Laere, Daniel M.
Vanacore, Edward Raymond
Vandevander, Jon C.
Vasel, Scott Charles
Velamuri, Sankara S.
Velazquez, Jorge
Ventura, Anthony M.
Vialonga, Christopher James
Vicario, Robert Anthony
Vilardo, Joseph B.
Vincent, Melissa

Wachtler, Gregory Kamal Bruno
Wainio, Honor Elizabeth
Wakeford, Wendy Alice Rosario
Walcott, Courtney Wainsworth
Wall, Glen James
Wallace, Peter G.
Wallace, Roy M.
Walsh, Jim
Warner, Brian G.
Waye, Michael
Webb, Nathaniel
West, Peter M
Whalen, Meredith Lynn
White, James Patrick
Wholey, Michael
Wildman, Alison Marie
Willett, John Charles
Williams, Debbie L.
Wisniewski, Alan L.
Wisniewski, Frank Paul
Wittenstein, Michael Robert
Wodenshek, Christopher W.
Wong, Siucheung Steve
Woodall, Brent James
Woodwell, Richard Herron
Wortley, Martin
Wotton, Rodney James
Wright, Neil R.
Wright, Sandra L.

Yanamadala, Suresh
Yarnell, Matthew David
York, Kevin Patrick
Yuen-Ngo, Nancy

Zakhary, Adel A.
Zampieri, Robert Alan
Zangrilli, Mark
Zelman, Kenneth Albert
Zinzi, Michael
Zipper, Julie Lynne
Zisa, Salvatore J.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8621 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.