Kean Sr. Sees Blowout

Former Republican Governor Thinks New Jersey Democrats May Face “Trouble Right Down the Ticket” in 2013

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

This observation is hardly original to him, Save Jerseyans, but don’t forget that former Governor Tom Kean knows a forming electoral blowout when he sees it on the horizon.

In 1985, he defeated then-Democrat Essex County Executive Peter Shapiro by 71%–24% — the larget margin in state history — and swept other Republicans into office at both ends of the ballot. The GOP picked up legislative seats, county offices and municipal posts. It was morning in America’s Garden State!

Now Kean is predicting a possible wave in Chris Christie’s favor in the post-Sandy political environment:


Just don’t hang your hopes on a Kean-style 47-point victory…

What’s the major difference between 1985 and 2013?

A lot’s happened in 28 years. For starters, New Jersey is a LOT more “blue” now than back in 1985.

One year before Kean Sr.’s triumph, in 1984, President Ronald Reagan won reelection with 49 U.S. state and carried New Jersey by a massive 60.1% to 39.2% margin over Walter Mondale. 2012 was a much different story for New Jersey Republicans; Barack Obama won statewide by approximately 17.5-points over Mitt Romney (58.39% to 40.61%), representing a significant improvement over his 57.3% to 41.7% win in 2008.

Don’t bet against Chris Christie this November, folks, but don’t bet the farm on him cracking 70%!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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