Gun Control Dems Send SOS

Left-Wing Activists Mobilize to Counter Second Amendment Supporters at State House

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The State House in Trenton, New Jersey.
The State House in Trenton, New Jersey.

Thursday is right around the corner, Save Jerseyans, when state residents will face the prospect of twenty (20) new gun control regulations passing the General Assembly.

Hundreds of Second Amendment defenders showed up at last Wednesday’s hearing to voice their discontent. Assembly Dems walked away feeling more than a bit embarrassed. I can’t imagine why…

So they’ve put out a distress call for reinforcements ahead of Thursday’s big vote. According to its website, the New Jersey liberal grassroots organization “BlueWaveNJ” is trying to sign Second Amendment detractors up for buses to attend the vote, citing “[o]ne thing that was glaring at this week’s hearing was how vastly gun safety advocates were outnumbered – by about 50 to 1 – by supporters of the NRA and gun manufacturers committed to preventing any new legislation no matter how reasonable.”

And apparently their request for back up originated from a higher source. Continuing:

The Assembly leadership has asked for a better turnout from the gun violence prevention side for the vote on Thursday. The session will begin at 1pm and we need people to arrive early to submit their name to speak in favor of the bills.  Attendees should plan to stay for the entire day, if possible.”

See? It’s like I’ve been telling you for years… Democrats love democracy and American institutions (like “free speech”) when they aid in the advancement of liberal ideology!

BTW: if you’d like to contact your legislators ahead of the big vote, click here to access their legislative office information. Remember to be respectful, articulate, informed and firm!

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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