Christie Signs 10 Gun Control Bills

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Chris Christie Presser

Updated 4:29 p.m.

Well, this post doesn’t require extra commentary from me, Save Jerseyans. At least not today. The Governor has repeatedly said that we have “enough” gun laws in New Jersey, but here’s ten more. What could I add that you aren’t already thinking?

For now, a signing statement for Assembly Bill No. 3687 is attached (it was far-and-away today’s most controversial move; I believe most of the rest were rated NRA neutral). To learn more about the status of New Jersey’s gun control debate, particularly which pieces of legislation are still in limbo pending gubernatorial action, click here.

It’s not all bad. A-3788/S-2552 (see below) has been supported by many privacy advocates. Here’s hoping some of the more egregious, outstanding gun control bills still sitting on his desk will meet with full or conditional vetoes; the politically-savvy Christie would be wise to give that pen a work-out on a few of these including S2804, S2719, S2468, S1279 and A3687.

Today’s list:

S-1279/A-4179 (Turner, Norcross/Mainor, Singleton, Johnson) – Upgrades penalty for unlawfully transferring a firearm to an underage person; permits transfer for instruction and training

SCS for S-2430/ACS for A-3690 (Lesniak, Turner/Cryan. Coutinho, Gusciora, Tucker, Mainor, Quijano, Sumter) – Declares violence a public health crisis and establish “Study Commission on Violence”

S-2468/A-4180 (Norcross, Bateman/Wilson) – Authorizes impoundment of motor vehicles for certain crimes and offenses

 S-2719/ACS for A-3953, 3854 (Norcross, Gill, Allen/Singleton, Oliver, Eustace, Spencer, Sumter, Caride) – Enhances penalties for certain firearms offenses; designated as Anti-Gun Trafficking Act of 2013

S-2720/A-4181 (Weinberg/Johnson) – Clarifies that information concerning the total number of firearms purchaser identification cards and permits to purchase a handgun issued in a municipality are public records

S-2804/A-4152 (Turner, Sweeney/Wilson, Johnson) – Upgrades certain unlawful possession of firearms to first degree crime; revises certain penalties under the “Grave Act”

A-3687/S-2485 (Stender, Fuentes, Quijano/Scutari, Gill) – W/STATEMENT –  Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun

A-3717/SCS for S-2492 (Lampitt, Singleton, Eustace, Gusciora, Johnson/Buono, Gill) – Requires submission of certain mental health records to National Instant Criminal Background Check System

A-3788/S-2552 (Rible, Dancer, A.M. Bucco, McHose, Webber/Van Drew, Oroho) – Codifies regulation exempting firearms records from State’s open public records law

A-3796/S-2722 (Mainor/Norcross) – Provides 180-day window for persons to dispose of certain unlawfully possessed firearms

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Open public records of people who own hand guns??? So now all a criminal has to do is find out who owns what and where they live. Stollen hand guns equal more guns on the street. Smart move.

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