Booker Leads Lonegan By 16 Pts

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Steve LoneganWe’ve all seen worse deficits for a New Jersey Republican running statewide, Save Jerseyans, but Steve Lonegan has less than two months to erase Cory Booker’s lead.

Can he do it? Definitely not without stronger Republican support…

A new poll out this morning from the Monmouth Polling Institute shows Newark’s part-time Mayor Cory Booker (D-Twitter) leading the former Bogota Mayor by a margin of 54% to 38% among likely voters.

Interestingly (and devastatingly) for Lonegan, the GOP nominee earns the backing of only 79% of of Republicans. That’s particularly grating since Independent voters are virtually split, 43% to 41% for Booker. More on this later…

Lonegan’s other more predictable hurdle remains: name recognition woes. “Cory Booker appears to be in the driver’s seat after his big primary win, but his personal ratings declined over the course of the campaign. Steve Lonegan, on the other hand, remains basically unknown to half the electorate after coasting to the GOP nomination,” opined Patrick Murray, director of the Institute.

Click here to check out the full polling report and related data tables.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. he needs to reach out to the middle and not be labeled as a right wing ideologue. he can never win with that kind of agenda. needs to moderate his language and also show a more compassionate side as a family man and a person who has overcome adversity of his handicap. needs to leverage Christie support as well – that might be the opportunity to lean more to the middle. otherwise he is a loser.

  2. Think outside the box. Sign a pledge to limit yourself to two terms and demand that Booker do the same. Sign a pledge that you demand that all Senators be covered by ObamaCare and demand Booker sign it as well. (As an alternative have Booker pledge to sponsor legislation to immediately repeal ObamaCare. Finally, craft a position on immigration, sign it as your pledge and demand that Booker draft an immigration position and sign it as a pledge.
    Do not attempt to veer toward the middle the press already as labeled the candidate. Instead attempt to capture the Reagan Democrats, working class social conservatives.

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