BREAKING: TK2 Reelected Minority Leader

LEFT TO RIGHT: Kim Guadagno, Tom Kean, Jr. and Chris Christie at a much happier time for the NJGOP.

Deciding GOP Senators Criticized Christie Campaign, Not Kean, for Failure to Generate Gains

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The vote was 10-6…

Guadagno, Kean and Christie

After a morning of intrigue, closed door meetings with Governor Christie and a nearly 1.5 hour long caucus meeting, Save Jerseyans, Tom Kean, Jr. is back at his post for another term as head of the New Jersey Senate’s Republican caucus following 36 hours of intense lobbying…

Kevin O’Toole was the leading opposition candidate. His supporters were Sens. Addiego, Bateman, Oroho, Doherty, and Kyrillos.

Reportedly, the other ten Senators sticking with Kean were concerned that Senator O’Toole was “too close to the Governor” and would have endangered “the co-equal” character of the legislative branch according to a Save Jersey source close to the caucus.

It’s hard to see this as anything other than a partial declaration of independence from the Guv, folks. Several senate members apparently criticized the Governor’s reelection strategy and seemed to assign more blame to that than Kean for a failure to generate gains on Tuesday. I told you a post-Christie outlook was setting in already, didn’t I?

Senator Kip Bateman had switched his vote from Kean to O’Toole since Monday.

A statement released by Senator Kean: “I’m honored to again lead the Republican Caucus in the Senate and I thank my colleagues for their overwhelming support… [t]he responsibility to my caucus and all New Jerseyans is one I hold with great respect. I look forward to working with Governor Christie, Steve, Jon and Vincent.”



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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