Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Goldberg had the room locked up when he walked in. His speech was decidedly awful and he still managed to come ahead on both ballots.

  2. Also, Mr. Editor, Murray Sabrin talks a lot about how he has the support of Joe Kyrillos. Is this true?

  3. His speech was so awful that he won by such a large margin, right? Hopefully his speeches are just as “awful” when he faces Booker. His movement is not about making our message LOUDER, but by enlisting more messengers to spread it in communities Republicans avoid. Goldberg is going to enlarge this Party under optimism, which is something this country could really use right now. I’ll let Obama and Booker worry about making “great” speeches.

  4. Robert Luczak, he worked Atlantic hard before he came. He’ll have no clue what to do when he can’t chat up county chairs and go to club meetings to win and suddenly has to face off against Cory Booker in a hostile environment. We don’t need a political rookie to take on the biggest superstar politician since Bill Bradley.

  5. Goldberg had the room unanimously locked down before he came in, his speech only lost him votes. Pezzullo and Sabrin are the real winners here, Goldberg is decidedly uninspiring. When he hasn’t won by locking down the room before the convention starts, he’s come in last 3 times. Waiting on Jeff Bell anyway. He’s the real candidate here.

  6. Goldberg has only really earned 3 lines- Ocean, Essex and Passaic were attained by backroom deals. Goldberg simply doesn’t have an actual support base like the one he’ll need to win this primary. 4 of his counties-Atlantic, Essex, Passaic, and Cumberland- have negligible amounts of primary voters, while his opponents carry more vote-rich Monmouth and Middlesex. Should be interesting, but without major individual endorsements (of which Goldberg has none), he will never gain any traction and win this race.

  7. I’d love to hear you people talk about the Olympics. “He’s only winning because he’s swimming the fastest.” No wonder our Party is in ruins!

  8. Turn out the lights, this party’s over. It’s Goldberg and Booker in the general. End of line.

  9. You people are funny. Just wait until convention season ends and Goldberg realizes he has no idea how to run an actual campaign. The guy is good at taking other people’s events, that’s all. Once he has to go out on his own? He’ll be a nobody again in a week.

  10. ” Regardless of how many lines he wins, Goldberg is still NOBODY to anyone who doesn’t attend conventions or read SaveJersey.”

    Sorry,but “other people’s events” HAPPEN to be the MAIN “events” of whom republicans in the counties would like to see run as senator for their party. If one person has one 6 of 9 events, and didn’t go to two of the three he didn’t win so he actually only lost 1 out of 7 events, then that person logically is not only the frontrunner, but has outlapped the field several times. You may not like Goldberg, but look at the scoreboard. Scoreboard brings in the $$$ to the victor, and diddly to the also-rans. If I were a betting man, I’d take Goldberg, my thousand against anyone’s hundred. (Gambling is illegal, folks, but I’m making a point.)

  11. Goldberg was at all 3 conventions he lost, what’re you saying? He also came in last in 2/3 of the ones he lost-and isn’t it interesting that all 3 that he lost had no screening?

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