Ron Paul Endorses Lonegan

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Ron PaulHere’s the statement from former Rep. Ron Paul released from Lonegan HQ on Thursday:

“Steve Lonegan will be a fantastic Congressman for the third district of New Jersey. His commitment to smaller government, and more personal liberties is exactly what we need in Washington.”

There you have it, Save Jerseyans. Team Lonegan is hoping for a news hit and an enthusiasm bump among core supporters down the home stretch for having the backing of the popular critic of government overreach and excess. There’s no word as to whether Paul plans to visit the district over the next month; if he does, the campaign will likely want him to stay away from the topic of military spending cuts given the issue’s prominence in his opponent’s attack ads.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. New Jersey is too liberal to care. Too many union/govt. leeches legislating themselves into jobs they don’t deserve and would have never obtained on merit. Good luck infiltrating their corrupt and inept ranks.

  2. Lonegan couldn’t get an American newspaper to take his trash so he went to a foreign skinhead tabloid. That tells us everything.

  3. When are we going to hear about the sit down that Lonegan had with Norcross and how the Boss gave AFP a contribution to get Corzine? Forget Ron Paul. Who Boss Norcross is endorsing in the Republican primary is the issue.

  4. That’s good news for me…Ron, not Rand, for starters. Ron Paul may be many things to many people, but POTUS isn’t one of them. 70% right, 30% unelectably insane. Extremist views don’t fit my voter profile…or America’s. For Steve, however….There are more reasons than money that the R’s didn’t back him. He is operating under the same delusion that Alieta Eck was after the Special Election Primary, that led her to put herself in Rush Holt’s path (serendipitously for her, Holt then decided he was “through with the two-step”, and was coming home – but it won’t be enough – get to know Allen J. Cannon). She was proud that she got 25,000 votes.

    She didn’t. She got 5000 votes. 20,000 people voted “anyone but Lonegan”. Lonegan doesn’t understand that his “majority” last Fall would evaporate if there had been an option in the left column for “NOT BOOKER”.

    Lonegan will likely “John Bennett” MacArthur in June. I’m more than ready for either one.

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