Darth Greenstein Goes Soft for TV

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

These goofy, platitudinous, sugary-sweet “let’s fix Washington” campaign ads are goofy in any context, Save Jerseyans, but after CD12 candidate and suspected Sith Lord Linda Greenstein (D-Korriban) declared that half of her primary electorate is comprised of sworn “enemies,” this new TV spot rings particularly hollow:


Speaking to the camera the image of the U.S. Capitol in the background, state Senator Greenstein promises to… “get Congress working for all of us” in January?

Exactly how, Linda? At lightsabers’ point?


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. On the ballot this fall will be the winner of Greenstein/Watson-Coleman, and Alieta Eck…Oh, and Allen J. Cannon, a fiscal conservative/social moderate with a stronger background and ability than any of the above. Watch this race closely. Eck believes her votes in the primary were all her own – rather than 5000 for her, and the rest “my GOD, not LONEGAN!” In that carefully structured district, B-W-C will have a tough decision if she loses to Greenstein. Endorse the harpy that has been deriding her and her constituents, (and hope they forgive her), or embrace Allen Cannon, and have a fighting chance at keeping her seat. As Norcross has already cut her loose – which is why she is now offended by his money, her future lies in her own hands. Looking pretty grim without a primary win, which, without Allen in the race, means “off to DC”. Cannon’s appeal crosses party lines, and, as Perez proved, turn-out is everything…and his folks LOVE Allen Cannon. Greenstein wins, she might as well surrender Mercer, already. Truth be told, after June, it’s Allen’s race.

    Allen was also honored last week by the National Black Women’s Caucus, and testified in the State Assembly over the Schools issue, as one of the leaders in that movement.

    Like it or not, if I were handicapping this like a horse race, and knowing what I know about what happens after June, Cannon is the favorite – despite the media presently paying him no attention. If you want a conservative voice that’s not a one-hit wonder, (beyond single-payer, where is Eck?), who can foment true change – (watch what is coming in late June) – CD12 has a real choice.

    Holt is a tough act to follow – or was, until he went all in on the charter issue – surprised, but, hey, the presidency of Rutgers is on the line – he’s leaving anyway.

    Cannon is the true heir apparent.

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