Christie to Rally with Embattled Corbett

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

christie corbettPA Governor Tom Corbett has consistently trailed his Democrat opponent Tom Wolf by double-digit margins in head-to-head polling since last fall, Save Jerseyans, but that hasn’t stopped RGA Chairman Chris Christie from spending considerable time (and treasure) in the Keystone state.

With under four weeks to go before Election Day, Christie will rally with Corbett at the Valley Forge Military Academy on Thursday, October 9th. Appropriate location, right?

Gov. Christie may need help jump-starting deflated PA GOP’er spirits. For starters, he could talk about how Corbett is a clone – ideologically and physically – of Jon Corzine. Seriously… it’s creepy.

The RGA had already invested nearly $2 million in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race as of September. Thanks in large part to the sinking fortunes of Corbett and his colleague Rick Scott (R-FL), RCP’s rolling poll average conglomeration presently projects a national Democrat net pick-up of +2


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Wow! Is this the same Governor that refused , as RGA Chair, to give any time or money to Rob Astorin who is running for Governor in NY because he was behind double digits. God, Christie is such a self serving jerk.

  2. .

    An Establishment salvation tour…

    But as is the case elsewhere, Wolf is MUCH worse for Pa…

    He would hurt the one industry that is providing most of the jobs, oil & gas, with onerous taxes.

    Wolf also wants to raise taxes on working Pennsylvanians who can ill afford it…

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