Post-win, MacArthur sits down with Save Jersey

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Monmouth nailed it again, Save Jerseyans: in a race once believed to be among the nation’s most competitive House races, businessman Tom MacArthur beat expectations and decisively defeated Freeholder Aimee Belgard on Tuesday by better than 11-points, 54.66% (95,166) to 43.63% (75,972). A thing of beauty! More on those details in the days ahead…

Save Jersey spent Election Night at the Ocean County Victory Party in Toms River (MacArthur carried Ocean by 24-points) and had an opportunity to sit down with the Congressman-elect for a few moments to reflect on the campaign gone by and the challenges directly ahead:

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. He says he wants to “work with the President to get meaningful things done.” Sounds great! Now what does this mean? Will the GOP majority Senate continue to vote to repeal Obamacare? To waste time on Bengazi? Ted Cruz already said this is what they are going to do. Will Tom oppose this insanity? We will see.

  2. He says he wants to “work with the President to get meaningful things done.” Sounds great! Now what does this mean? Will the GOP majority Senate continue to vote to repeal Obamacare? To waste time on Bengazi? Ted Cruz already said this is what they are going to do. Will Tom oppose this insanity? We will see.

  3. Ol’ Tom rang Aimee’s Belgard, that’s for sure.

    A take-away from this election cycle is that this was the year when Democrats fielded a lot of wretched candidates, and she was one. Thinking they could rely on their technology prowess, as they did in the last several elections, they forgot that you can’t run a moron without people noticing.

    Every winning GOP Senate candidate ran on a platform that included repealing Obamacare as a number-one priority, so repeal away. Only this time, a bill to that effect will land on President Obama’s desk, and he’ll have to give the presidential finger to the American people by vetoing it. Then the Republicans cans pass bill after bill to repeal the most hated portions of it with veto-proof majorities because there are enough Democrats who want to save their skins who will also vote to override.

    Maybe now with the GOP calling the shots, we’ll get to the truth about Benghazi and send some cover-up types to jail.

  4. He was elected to stop Obama and the Dems from finally pushing our country off the cliff, not to go and work with the losers. They lost because of their failed policies and Macarthur wants to work with that. He is not listening, nor understanding the mandate he was given!

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  1. Belgard (still) can’t escape her ill-conceived “zero” promise | The Save Jersey Blog

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