Newark Protests NYC Grand Jury as Its Own Death Toll Soars

Newark, New Jersey

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Newark, New Jersey
Newark, New Jersey

The sister of a former Essex County prosecutor was killed in a Newark hit-and-run on Thursday afternoon, Save Jerseyans, as the Brick City races towards 90 homicides for the year.

Hours later, approximately 100 Newark residents gathered downtown to protest a grand jury verdict stemming from the death of Staten Island’s Eric Garner.

Get a grip, Newark! Tend to your own garden (state)…

Look: I happen to agree that the grand jury likely got this particular one very wrong (unlike Ferguson, where they got it very right). 

But guess what?

Our justice system is imperfect albeit the best in the world. If it was perfect, O.J. Simpson would’ve gone to jail a lot earlier than he ultimately did. That’s the risk inherent in a system deliberately designed to err on the side of letting guilty men go free in order to guarantee that innocent men don’t get locked up.

What else do we know? Statistically, young black men in America are still far more likely to die a number of other ways – including at each other’s hands in drug-ridden neighborhoods – than in a fatal confrontation with police. In modern America, 94% of black murder victims are killed by black criminals. There are less young black males killed by police officers (17) every year than Americans generally killed by lightning (26).

Newark continues to serve as a leading example of this long-standing trend.

Those are the FACTS. There isn’t an epidemic of murderous police violence in America no matter how many times MSNBC repeats the claim; the self-serving media and career political activists just prefer to make it look that way. It’s their job.

There IS an epidemic of violence within our urban communities themselves, and Mayor Ras Baraka (D-Newark) seems no more interested in addressing root causes than the former Mayor Cory Booker (D-Twitter). 

Those 100 protesters are, for the most part, being exploited and it makes me sick. No good will come of it and Newark still has plenty of time to crack the 100 murder mark before New Year’s Eve. May God help them by opening their eyes and hearts to the truth! The politicians certainly aren’t helping.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I commented on the Princeton University FB post they put up yesterday about students protesting. I mentioned that they are 15 minutes from Trenton – if they really cared then why don’t they take the drive down there and make a REAL difference by getting involved in the community and HELPING.

  2. Let them kill each other! If that makes them feel better…………….knock yourselve’s out!

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