Lance fights for New Jersey’s victims of Iranian terrorism

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The House of Representatives acted affirmatively on H.R. 3457, the Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act, on Thursday, Save Jerseyans, a measure cosponsored by Rep. Leonard Lance (R, NJ-07) to prevent the President from removing Iranian sanctions until all judgments are paid to the victims of that state sponsor of terror for its acts of terrorism; the judgments currently exceed $40 billion. 

Here’s a list of New Jersey’s victims:

·        Alisa Flatow of West Orange, NJ was killed in a 1995 bus bombing while traveling to the former Jewish settlement of Kfar Darom on a teaching mission. $247 million judgment.

·        David Goldman, originally of East Orange, NJ was killed in a 1992 suicide attack in Buenos Aires. $19.5million judgment.

·        Judy Greenbaum of Passaic, NJ, was killed in the 2001 Jerusalem Sbarro pizza restaurant bombing. $19 million judgment.

·        Leah Stern of Passaic, NJ was killed in a Jerusalem bombing in 1997. $313 million judgment.

·        American University in Beirut President David Dodge of Princeton, NJ was abducted in 1982 and tortured in captivity for over a year.  $5.6 million judgment.

This measure appropriately passed on the same day that Bibi Netanyahu gave the U.N. a chillingly stern lecture over the U.S. Iran sell-out.

“We cannot allow Iran to be handed billions of dollars in sanctions relief without ensuring the victims of Iranian terror finally see justice,” said Lance, co-chair of the Republican Israel Caucus, in a statement relased following final passage. “There are many reasons to oppose lifting sanctions on Iran, not the least of which is because countless victims of terror and their families have never been compensated for heinous Iranian crimes.  Billions of dollars in judgments have been rendered, including many to New Jersey families, but they and countless others across the United States continue to wait.”


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. The little twerp will say and do anything to look like a tough conservative because he knows his ass is grass come primary day in 2016.

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