Whitman throws in for Kasich, ‘ashamed’ of Christie


By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog

It got drowned out by Chris Christie’s Trump presser, Save Jerseyans, but former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman endorsed John Kasich on Friday:

She also claimed to be ‘ashamed’ of Christie’s decision to back the Donald in a separate media encounter.

Meanwhile, Gov. Christie out of town again, but this time with a different set of forwarding instructions…


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  1. She stole from the workers pension plan now its in trouble and democrats want to punish the innocent by raising our taxes. So if whitless is supporting someone thwn they’re a bum to. S
    Don’t forget her incompetents as the epa director during 911 shes dangerous. Show me who your friends are and I’ll show you who you are

  2. Rubio describes how he allegedly grew up poor and mowed the grass and walked dogs to make a bit of spare change. Technically this may be correct, but most poor kids don’t get paid by relatives heavily involved in narcotics trafficking and whose pets double as guard dogs for a drug cartel, as was the case with young Marco, a federal indictment shows.

  3. She’s no better! Another pension stealer…stole Cops pensions! They weren’t eating donuts! They were saving citizens, and fighting crime, before People hated them. No cd’s, IRA’s , no free mortgages here…..how can you protest when Dems are allowed to steal! Christie, Corzine, Whitman, and McGreevy…..how soon we forget, a history of failed policies! And Camden County thieves….a the Band of Norcross…..wrapping up decent and cronyism rampant in South Jersey.

  4. On trump
    > Diversity: he employed women in leadership roles before it was popular to do that. And he did it in the construction industry of all places.
    > He has absolutely nothing against legal immigration, he’s encouraged it many times. His grandparents are immigrants, his wife is an immigrant, and several of his closest business partners in New York are immigrants. He is against uncontrolled, illegal immigration.
    >Hugely successful businessman, knows how to manage money, how to invest for the future and a fantastic negotiator.
    >Unlike other candidates, his economic plan actually makes sense. It would result in “an 11 percent higher GDP, a 29 percent larger capital stock, 6.5 percent higher wages, and 5.3 million more full-time equivalent jobs”.
    >Take a look at this video of him back in 1991 talking about how to utilize the upper class to re-invest in America or face higher taxes.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-HPlMHnORo#t=86 [Open]
    >Not only is he very knowledgeable in economics and investment, but the tax structure he offers up back in 91′ seems relevant even today to help alleviate some of the complaints we have about 1%’ers and wall street.
    >He’s genuinely against TPP.
    >Acknowledges the danger of allowing mass refugees from places governed by fundamentalist terrorist groups, even if such acknowledgment is not politically correct.
    >He’s socially liberal and fiscally conservative. He’s an electable libertarian.
    >He doesn’t want or need special interest groups funding him.
    >He’s not a career politician: no backroom deals or terrible compromises because you owe this person or group a favor.
    >He’s anti-war.
    >He’s pro-woman: This is what equality actually looks like. His #2 for a long time was a woman. His daughter is running his businesses.

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