CD3 candidates converge in Brick for very different evenings

By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog

Democrats aren’t fighting particularly hard in New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District this year, Save Jerseyans, but the freshman incumbent isn’t taking anything for granted.

Here the latest: 

At the end of last week, Rep. Tom McArthur (R) spent his Thursday evening in Brick (Ocean County) with Stop FEMA Now, a robust organization spearheaded by Sandy victims, activists and advocates, discussing recovery efforts related to the 2012 Superstorm Sandy

Meanwhile, on the same night and in the same township while Sandy victims were airing their concerns across town, Burlington Democrat-endorsed challenger Frederick John LaVergne hobnobbed with Brick Mayor John C. Ducey at a partisan fundraiser hosted by the Brick Democrat Club and attended by North Jersey gubernatorial rivals John Wisniewski and Steven Fulop.

The optics weren’t ideal.

Unsurprisingly, the DCCC is allegedly trying to recruit Jim Keady — the guy Chris Christie told to “sit down and shut up” and who subsequently went on to lose an LD30 legislative bid in 2015 — to step into the breach.


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