AFP releases 2014-2015 Taxpayer Scorecard

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Who’s doing what you elected them to do? And who isn’t?

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) issued its ratings for the recently-concluded 216th Legislative Session on Wednesday, Save Jerseyans, and 14 lawmakers earned “Taxpayer Hero” status while 22 legislators were designated “Defenders of the Taxpayer.”

72 members of the Legislature, representing 60% of all lawmakers, were labeled as “Taxpayer Zeroes” with scores under 30%.

Here’s who did well (click here to see who didn’t and learn more about how the grades came together):

trenton dome“TAXPAYER HEROES” (“A”-rated Legislators: Taxpayer Score of 90-100%)
Webber, Jay (LD-26) 100%
Space, Parker (LD-24) 97%
Simon, Donna (LD-16) 97%
McHose, Alison Littell (LD-24) 96%
Rodriguez-Gregg, Maria (LD-08) 94%
Ciattarelli, Jack (LD-16) 92%
DiMaio, John (LD-23) 92% P
Peterson, Erik (LD-23) 92%
Brown, Christopher J, (LD-08) 92%
DeCroce, BettyLou (LD-26) 92%
Russo, David C. (LD-40) 92%
Carroll, Michael Patrick (LD-25) 90%
Doherty, Michael (LD-23) 94% – Senate
Thompson, Samuel D. (LD-12) 92% – Senate

“DEFENDERS OF THE TAXPAYER” (“B”-rated Legislators: Taxpayer Score of 80-89%)
Bramnick, Jon M. (LD-21) 89%
Bucco, Anthony M. (LD-25) 89%
Rumana, Scott T. (LD-40) 89%
Angelini, Mary Pat (LD-11) 89%
O’Scanlon, Declan J. (LD-13) 89%
Rible, David P. (LD-30) 88%
Schepisi, Holly (LD-39) 88%
Munoz, Nancy (LD-21) 86%
Casagrande, Caroline (LD-11) 86%
Auth, Bob (LD-39) 86%
Gove, DiAnne C. (LD-09) 86%
McGuckin, Gregory P. (LD-10) 86%
Fiocchi, Samuel L. (LD-01) 85%
Clifton, Robert D. (LD-12) 83%
Wolfe, David W. (LD-10) 83%
Rumpf, Brian E. (LD-09) 83%
Dancer, Ronald S. (LD-12) 82%
Handlin, Amy H. (LD-13) 81%
Addiego, Dawn Marie (LD-8) 85%
Pennacchio, Joseph (LD-26) 82%
Kyrillos, Joseph M. (LD-13) 81%
Oroho, Steven V. (LD-24) 80%

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.