Democrat Keady trumpets endorsement from notorious cop killer’s leading cheerleader

Mumua (left) and Keady (right)

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Mumua (left) and Keady (right)
Mumua (left) and Keady (right)

The Delaware Valley’s most infamous cop killer – Mumia Abu-Jamal – murdered Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner on December 9, 1981. His 1982 death sentence was later commuted to life without parole. Unfortunately, Save Jerseyans, in the age of #BlackLivesMatter, cozying up to cop killers (and the moron entertainment industry-types who embrace them) is politically acceptable in Democrat circles.

One such Democrat is evidently Jim Keady, the Ocean Democrat-backed primary candidate to take on freshman Republican Congressman Tom MacArthur (NJ-03) this November should he prevail on June 7th.

He’s desperate to win the wacko-leftist vote. How desperate? Despite the fact that a significant portion of the district he wants to represent lies in the Delaware Valley, he’s bragging on Twitter about having received the endorsement of Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello, the piece of human garbage who organized a 1999 benefit concert for Abu-Jamal.

Check this out:

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“Mr. Keady’s decision to embrace, promote and fundraise off the endorsement of someone who organized a benefit concert for a convicted cop-killer is deeply troubling,” opined MacArthur in a Tuesday press release slamming Keady for the tweets.  “More importantly, the touting of this endorsement raises serious questions about Mr. Keady’s judgement, while serving as a window into the kind of causes he’d advocate for in Congress and the radical ideology he would bring to a place that, frankly, needs more people willing to move towards the middle, not the extremes.”

This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, folks. It’s a matter of basic human decency and common sense. Even Bill Clinton would find Keady’s Morello embrace more than a little disgusting. If Keady, whose only claim to fame is a shouting match with Chris Christie, can’t take a stand against a notorious cop killer, what qualifies him to make a stand for South Jersey when it counts in Washington, D.C.?


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Jim Keady has shown that he has little or no qualifications for office. To pander for this endorsement show how low the democratic party will go to try and win an election. Jim its issues that count not party affiliations or your dubious15 seconds on camera.

  2. Obviously, he did not realize who this guy was and you blew it out of proportion. How is your candidate on
    Women’s rights and LGBT Rights. What about the Budget? Does your candidate support infrastructure?
    How about climate change.

  3. He did know who he was. He endorsed him when he ran for assembly. As to your questions… You really need to ask Jim about them. I am sure you would NOT like the answer.

  4. This guy is out of his mind … what next, a press conference to advocate parole for Charles Manson?

  5. Oh, on women’s rights-did he have a judgment against him in February for child support? Better yet on women’s rights, why don’t you ask him why he resigned as councilman in Asburypark? You will love the truth on that one.

  6. It clearly demonstrates that Keady is out of touch with pretty much everyone except Keady. He screwed up by making some passively racist comments in the wrong place, and got called out for it. This is his misguided attempt to swing the pendulum the other way. Congressman MacArthur and I don’t often agree, but we certainly do on this one.

    Unbelievably out of touch.

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  1. MacArthur campaign trolls ‘Seedy’ Jim Keady over family bar’s colorful history | The Save Jersey Blog

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