It’s Pence. So why is Trump introducing him on a Saturday in July?

Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN)

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

It’s not a pick that is exciting anyone in any camp, Save Jerseyans, but Donald Trump is confirming his vice presidential running mate selection for the world on Friday, naturally via Twitter:

Socially moderate/libertarian GOP’ers loathe Indiana Governor Mike Pence‘s active stance against gay marriage.

Socially conservative Republicans (and Trumpie Ann Coulter, who doesn’t fit neatly into any human category) hate him for perceived surrenders on the religious freedom and immigration battle fronts.

Most Americans have no idea who he is.

Me? I saw him give a speech back at an Indianapolis-hosted Young Republican convention back in 2009. Competent, witty, but not exactly the kind of guy who’s going to electrify a room. At best, it’s a “safe” pick for Tea Partiers who were worried Trump might give them an off-the-wall Democrat surprise pick.

And then there’s the uncomfortable fact that Pence, while an early and vocal Trump endorsor, has actively criticized the presumptive Republican nominee with very direct, cutting language on at least five major issues including this one:


Will any of this matter if ISIS and Black Lives Matter continue to make U.S. voters question whether the free world is safe in Hillary Clinton’s hands? When she couldn’t even protect her own e-mails?

Maybe not.

There’s also plenty of evidence that veep selections rarely help; it’s a do-no-harm kind of situation.

Along those lines, at least this much is certain: the potential fall-out from this pick could prove far more exciting to watch than the candidate himself.

Perhaps that’s why Trump, typically a master showman, is saving the presser for a Saturday in July?

Check out this report:

Rough for the Pence Family if true! Jeez.

And that report isn’t isolated.

Don’t fall for the “respect for Nice” line. My gut tells me that this roll-out didn’t go according to plan (there’s plenty of evidence that it was completely botched) and didn’t garner the reaction that Trump, notorious for making his decisions in a vacuum, was apparently expecting.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.