Cory Booker epitomizes why Republicans ate the Democrats’ lunch this year

I’m so sick and tired of this mouth-breather, Save Jerseyans. I talk about him only because we have to talk about him. The voters of New Jersey made sure of that in their infinite wisdom. 

He’s no less thoroughly insufferable AND a disgusting hypocrite to boot for having won my fellow New Jerseyans’ affections.

My new theory? After last Tuesday, I might not be quite as alone as I once believed. 

Consider how after traveling across the country as a Hillary Clinton surrogate during the closing hours of Election 2016, race-baiting and even comparing Hillary Clinton’s FBI investigation(s) to the discrimination incurred by Martin Luther King, Jr. (no, I’m not kidding!), U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-Twitter) dropped in on Lazy Chuck Todd and NBC’s Meet the Press this Sunday to lament a Trump victory in his patented feigned, exhausted tone of voice.

Bully for you if you can listen for all eight-ish minutes without jumping out a window:

Yes, he’s difficult to listen to.

He also epitomizes why Democrats got their asses kicked at the polls in 2016, folks. It’s worth a few moments of your time to consider how and why that’s the case. He really doesn’t get it (and perhaps doesn’t need to get it given how poorly Republicans continue to perform in New Jersey federal elections). At all. 

Truth be told, I shouldn’t help them by pointing this stuff out (since I want liberal Democrats to keep losing elections). All the same, I’m fairly confident that none of this unsolicited advice will stick. We’re in the realm of emotion; this is no time for logic.

Where to begin? 

(1) Cory laments how ‘afraid’ and fearful some American allegedly are of Donald Trump after spending months race-baiting without a basis and sowing division with his far-left priorities. The hypocrisy is naked enough to shock even some casual political observers and yes, turn them off. BTW- I’m sure the young, crying black single mother he cites in his discussion with Chuck Todd was as real as T-Bone. Take it to the bank. 

(2) He also pays lip service to ‘working people’ but spends 90% of his remarks lamenting the plights of groups – like illegals – who don’t pay the bills. How much do he and the other Democrat elites really care? Not at all. Voters in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan clearly don’t think so. They voted accordingly.

(3) “It’s the economy, stupid.” Building off of my prior point, Booker spends a lot of time talking about social issues, tears, and hate, and “rights” (without elaboration or grounding), but no time talking about the American economy’s historic, record underemployment under Barack Obama. He condescendingly wants to “protect poor people” in the same way as environmentalists want to save a rare species of snail! All while hanging out with the likes of Hillary Clinton who took pay-to-play corruption to previously unforeseen levels. Opportunity? The word never crosses his lips.

(4) His pompous, pseudo-intellectual language falls on the wrong side of the politically incorrect backlash, too. “Hateful.” “Margins.” “Committed Progressive.” It’s the plastic language of a well-to-do poser who grew up in a wealthy suburb. A healthy majority of Americans can see right through it.  The 2016 electorate can’t connect with a Cory Booker because they can’t relate to a Cory Booker. They don’t know anyone like him because, if we’re being honest, he’s not a real person.

(5) Last but not least… he stands with the protesters! “We need to resist,” he says. Of course he does. And will. But at a time when American voters are growing less patient with ideological debate points and more concerned with the fate of our civilization? Watching police gunned down in the streets while their current president sits silently in the corner? Standing with the people skipping class to curse, burn flags and throw bottles puts Senator Twitter and his allies on the wrong side of history.

NONE of this, of course, is rocket science.

We need to remember we’re dealing with the guy whose Twitter feed is miles longer than his list of accomplishments in Newark or anyone else on the map. Even POLITICO dismissed his much-discussed, Oprah-marketed Newark backstory as a ‘mirage.’

Victory for Democrats in 2018 and 2020 will prove no less illusory unless they kick frauds like Booker to the curb. Count on it.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.