VIDEO: Democrat committeewoman vocally withholds vote to hire white police officer

Chang (Right)

Racism is alive and well in the Garden State, Save Jerseyans, but not always in the way we’re led to believe by the mainstream media and cultural elites.

Take the example of former mayor and outgoing Westampton Democrat Committeewoman Carolyn Chang.

We’ve covered her antics before here at Save Jersey; the regular media has, too, including an incident involving the town’s popular municipal judge.

Now that she decided not to seek reelection? She’s letting everyone know how she really feels and, in the case of Westampton’s hardworking police, her feelings are apparently less-than-tolerant when it comes to the ever-ugly issue of race in the criminal justice context.

You can start watching/listening to Monday night’s township meeting (Chang’s last) here around the 3:15 minute mark. The Burlington County-based township’s 5-person committee opened up the night’s proceedings innocently enough by considering the appointment of a new police officer, Patrolman Anthony Schallus.

Then came the roll call. Chang was the only ‘no’ vote, and her reasons for voting no were 100% related to the color of Officer Schallus’s skin by her own admission.

Chang (Right)

“No… not because of the officer, not because I’m anti-police, but we have a diverse community,” Chang declared from the committee bench, “and I’ve watched officers being sworn in over the last several meetings and we need a more diverse police force… that is my position.”

In other words… in Chang’s warped opinion, Schallus may be qualified as a human being, but his white skin disqualified him for duty. 

Let that sink in for a moment.

The remaining committee members — including a black Democrat, a Hispanic Republican and two female officials (one from each party) — all voted ‘yes’ to hire the officer. Schallus was sworn in on the spot as members of the township community and the Democrat-controlled board allowed the shock of Chang’s incredibly inappropriate comments to wear off.

An angry resident chimed in around the 21:30 mark to explain how arduous the officer qualification program is and to question why Chang injected race into an officer’s appointment.

“Then clearly you didn’t understand what I said,” Chang snorted back at her constituent.

It’s not like the diverse committee isn’t sensitive to policing challenges. I’m told Westampton’s Lieutenant Roger Rogers, an African American, is in charge of community policing and outreach initiatives.

Then again, it’s absurd to assume a politician like Chang is really interested in improving race relations.

Based on Monday night’s performance? I’d posit race relations in Westampton Township have nowhere to go but up now that she’s almost gone.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.