Assemblyman Rooney Fails to Secure Bergen Endorsement

Kevin Rooney

Losing your home county is never an easy thing.

There are primaries all over the place this year, Save Jerseyans, but to date, Assemblyman Kevin Rooney (R-40) is the first incumbent to lose party support heading into the June ballot.

On Thursday night, the frosh legislator came in third at the BCRO Hackensack convention with 258 votes behind Norm Robertson and Rooney’s running mate, Chris DePhillips, both of whom received 264 votes, and ahead of Joe Bubba who placed fourth with 239 votes.

The results translate to Rooney, who took office in December as Scott Rumana’s replacement, running off of the line in approximately 40% of his district.

The Wyckoff-based Assemblyman is on the line in Passaic (50%) with running mates Kristin Corrado and DePhillips, too, and is likely to land party support in Essex (10%) setting up a pitched turnout battle over the next several weeks.


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