LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Rep. Lance is Facing Down a False Attack

Leonard Lance

The truth is no longer relevant in politics as Rep. Leonard Lance is discovering. 

He is under attack from a progressive group funded by George Soros for a vote rejecting a last-minute rule pushed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as President Obama was leaving office.  Lance voted to protect the privacy of web users while ensuring the government keeps its hands off the Internet, yet “Fight for the Future” has posted billboards in his district complete with accusations that are outright falsehoods.  

In late March, Congress took a critical step to enhance the privacy of web users by rejecting a flawed new rule proposed by the Obama-dominated Federal Communications Commission (FCC).  The rule, which was passed over the objections of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), attempted to impose new regulations on Internet Service Providers (ISPs).  The rule ran counter to the FTC’s long-standing efforts to protect the privacy of web users.  Congress, rightfully, determined the second set of rules created more harm than good and rejected them. 

By preventing the rule of taking effect, the Congress laid the groundwork for the two agencies to come together to create one set of rules that would apply equally to Internet providers and companies like Google, that vacuum personal information and sell it to marketers.  Ironically, the FCC’s rules ignored Google and other companies that market personal data, and only applied to ISPs.  The FTC and FCC are now working together to harmonize the rules.  That is a victory for privacy, one which activists should be happy about. 

They aren’t.  Instead they have attacked members of Congress like Rep. Lance with false attack ads suggesting he voted to allow your personal web history to be sold. That is a lie. 

Rep. Leonard Lance (R, NJ-07)

Angry over the vote, some liberal activists attempted to purchase the web history of members of Congress who voted to end the FCC’s rule. They quickly determined that not only is that impossible from a technological standpoint; it is illegal.  The FTC’s rules remain in effect.  Despite the truth, progressive groups funded by George Soros, are placing billboards in congressional districts accusing them of voting to allow this information to be sold.  They know it isn’t true yet accuse Lance and others of it.  

But there is a bigger agenda at play. Rather than seeking to protect the privacy of web users, the FCC was further laying the groundwork to drive ISP’s out of business so the government can take over the Internet.   

Advocates of Net Neutrality make no bones about this fact. One of the chief architects of Net Neutrality openly advocates a Marxist agenda predicted on government created news channels and web access. Robert McChesney, who was cited by the FCC 46 times justifying their efforts to turn the Internet into a government monopoly, has said “There is no real answer (to the U.S. economic crisis) but to remove brick by brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles.”  He argues the Internet should be government property: “What we want to have in the U.S. and in every society is an Internet that is not private property, but a public utility. We want an Internet where you don’t have to have a password and that you don’t pay a penny to use. It is your right to use the Internet.” 

Net Neutrality advocates are also open about their desire to end alternative news sites like the Drudge Report. In a protest this week in Washington, Net Neutrality advocates held signs demanding “Ban Drudge” and “Ban Breitbart.”  Allowing the government to control the Internet will no doubt lead to this kind of censorship in the future.  

Rep. Lance needs to be commended for his effort to keep the Internet out of the hands of the government. Competition has been great for consumers and technology. Rejecting the FCC’s rules and rolling back Net Neutrality will ensure the policies that spawned the internet will continue.  

– Kevin William, Paterson


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