N.J. Law Firm Wins Major SCOTUS First Amendment Case

On Monday, Save Jerseyans, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional a law that estopped the government from registering allegedly offensive trademarks on the grounds that the law was violative of the First Amendment.

The opinion in Lee v. Tam was delivered by Justice Samuel Alito.

“That is viewpoint discrimination in the sense relevant here: Giving offense is a viewpoint,” Alito wrote.

Today’s decision is expected to impact the ongoing controversy over the Washington Redskins’ controversial name.

Three attorneys from the politically-powerful Haddonfield, New Jersey-based law firm of Archer & Greiner — Ronald D. Coleman, John C. Connell and Joel G. MacMull — successfully represented musician Simon Shiao Tam of the Asian-American rock band, “The Slants.”

In a separate decision released Monday, the High Court also struck down a state law restricting sex offenders’ social media usage.


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