FYI America: Urban Democrat leadership is (still) dangerous to your health

Houston-area allies of that grand Texas city’s Democrat mayor, Sylvester Turner (pictured above), now claim evacuating ahead of Hurricane Harvey would’ve been “nonsensical” notwithstanding the fact that everyone KNEW super-flat Houston was in danger from heavy rains.

Residents were told to bunker down and avoid protective action:

But now that dozens of inches of rain have already fallen on the city of 4+ million, and more rain is expected today, evacuations are FINALLY beginning.

Which is harder, Save Jerseyans? Evacuating residents BEFORE roads are impassible, power lines are down and the giant, sprawling metropolis resembles a scene from a disaster movie?

Or after?

You don’t have to be a weather emergency response expert to know the answer.

Turner is clearly channeling Ray Nagin on this one (the disgraced former Democray mayor of New Orleans who refused federal help and, as a result, turned Hurricane Katrina into a larger disaster than it needed to be). It’s only a matter of time, I suspect, before he blames George Bush Donald Trump. 

History is repeating itself; Greg Abbott, the popular GOP Governor, urged evacuations before landfall but was met with vocal resistance from Houston officials. Turner made the wrong decision and now things are going to be a lot harder for his city’s affected residents:

Of course, it’s also easy in the midst of a humanitarian challenge to blame individuals and ignore the larger pattern:

As diligent, taxpaying voters flee to the suburbs, leaving America’s cities to ignorant Hipsters and government dependents, the quality of governance has continued to suffer.

Politically correct? No, but it’s true. All of America’s worst-run cities are Democrat controlled cities. Without exception! Incidents like Katrina or Harvey provide dramatic examples of the problem, but more subtle examples of urban Democrat incompetence are plentiful in all 50 states and certainly right here in New Jersey, too, as the tenure of Cory Booker (D-Twitter) in Newark makes painfully obvious

“America’s cities are mostly a mess. America’s cities are mostly run by Democrats. With a few exceptions (San Diego and Indianapolis, and, until recently, New York), Republicans haven’t had much of a chance, politically, in the large cities,” Kevin Williamson opined last July for National Review. “What we’ve had since the middle 1960s was a grand experiment: What would progressives do if given political hegemony, with essentially no meaningful opposition, in America’s cities?”

The answer? Apparently? Let people drown. Assuming, of course, shitty schools or gang violence don’t do the job first.

Federal governance gets most of the attention from the media. That’s unfortunate. As those of us who pay attention know, the quality of state and local governance is what matters most when flood waters and tax rates are rising.

It’s time for Republicans to start talking about it, honestly and loudly, before more people needlessly succumb to Democrat urban governance which, almost without fail, proves to be dangerous for everyone’s health. 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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  1. Shocking: Hurricane takes 9 people -FYI America: Urban Democrat leadership is (still) dangerous to your health – HOME INTERIOR

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