New CWA Deal Highlights Biggest Difference Between Christie and Corzine

It was only three years ago next month, Save Jersey, when then-Governor Jon “MF’n Global” Corzine found himself struggling to secure reelection in the middle of a steep and deepening recession.

To make matters worse, Vice President Joe Biden was flying in for a campaign rally. I say “worse” not because of what Biden might’ve said. No, Corzine had bigger problems than the Veep’s infamous proclivity for gaffes.

New Jersey’s largest public employee union, the Communications Workers of America (CWA), was threatening to picket the rally over a contract dispute. The same union formerly run by Corzine’s recently-deposed ex-girlfriend.

Surely a full-scale labor revolt would’ve been a huge reelection problem for Corzine and an embarrassing situation for Biden’s boss President Barack Obama since “Big Labor” plays a central role in Democrat electoral efforts.

Corzine’s very un-Christie answer? Abdicating his fiduciary duties to New Jerseyans and signing off on a rush job contract agreement with the CWA…

Instead of driving a tough bargain on behalf of his real bosses, the taxpayers, Corzine endorsed approximately $40 million in concessions to appease his labor allies. Hence, the reason why CWA employees had received generous 3.0% raises during the first two years of the Corzine era and then 3.5% raises over the last two years of Corzine’s negotiating purview. All during a period in our nation’s history when the unemployment rate skyrocketed and wages fell or stagnated.  

The CWA-Corzine story was about power, folks. Gifts. Romance. Intrigue. Money. Alleged back room deals. Mario Puzo could’ve had a field day! Bob Ingle would’ve, too, had Soprano State been published a little later. With so much juicy material, Save Jersey even produced a (couple) short videos detailing Corzine’s less-than-admirable dealings with the CWA and its most infamous former leader:



But now there’s a new sheriff in town, Save Jerseyans.

Want proof? The new CWA deal (click here for details – pdf) negotiated by the Christie Administration couldn’t represent a larger departure from what we had grown accustomed to swallowing under Democrat control! For 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, the CWA membership will receive a 0% raise (like just about everyone else in America!). As of July 1, 2013, they’ll receive a modest 1% raise followed by a 1.75% bump the following year.

And remember the story from last year about $3 million spent on uniforms for state workers who don’t wear uniforms? No more! Significantly stricter qualification rules now apply.

Yes, Save Jerseyans, the difference between Jon Corzine and Chris Christie is like night and day! And what a long night it was for taxpayers before Christaphus Magnus came along. We now know first-had how extremely important it is to have a Governor who is on the taxpayers’ side considering the huge amount of money spent annually on lobbying and media by New Jersey’s interest groups. State employees using dues from state paychecks to lobby for higher salaries is the ultimate “conflict of a interest.” Few politicians possess the intestinal fortitude to resist this corrupting influence.

Like Jon Corzine, a man who repeatedly abused this perverse dynamic for political gain such that the taxpayers ended up bargaining against themselves. Christie, by contrast, is remembering who sent him to Trenton. His resolve will yield dividends for taxpayers in the years to come if we continue to elect leaders like him! But if we become impatient with the natural slow pace of progress and reverse course? Another amoral Corzine-esque figure is always waiting in the wings, willing to cut shady deals and advance him or herself at our own expense.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Public unions are the #1 reason for new jersey's financial issues. Good for Chris christie! We've been waiting for a guy like him.

  2. Unions have been able to extort money from the taxpayer via politicians promising benefits and pay that they knew could never be paid .This was always true of both parties Christie was the first Gov to show the taxpayer the outrageousness of keeping this game of three card monty going .The most ironic part of this all is that the unions have painted Christie as the villain not their savior .

  3. Democrats bankrupted the public pension system. Christie is the last best hope to stay the bleeding. These union dolts don't know what's good for them!

  4. Realist- Don't take this the wrong way but you sound like a FOX News Drone "it's public unions that are hurting us it's the teachers, police and fireman that put us here. Let me give you a tip it was Wall Street, Banks, and Republican Governors that refuse to bring in new income from the Top 1% and Corporations what do you thing Occupy Wall Street is all about. Please shut off FOX News and switch on MSNBC The Ed Show at 8:00 PM and The Rachel Maddow Show at 9:00 PM you might learn something

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