POLL: Does Trenton deserve a pay raise? Because yes, they’re voting on it!

There are actually TWO proposals working their way through the halls of power, Save Jerseyans, mere weeks after the infamous Dana Redd pension padding scandal.

One is reportedly still in the gestational stage and is championed by State Senators Dick Codey (D-27), Ronald L. Rice (D-28), and Nia Gill (D-34); the career political trio wants to increase New Jersey legislators’ salaries by over 40%, from $49,000 to $69,000

A second, NJ S1229 (18R), which got out of committee on Monday WITHOUT discussion, would significantly increase the salaries of state judges (by $24,000) as well as county prosecutors, gubernatorial cabinet members, and senior state legislative staffers.

Democrats’ efforts come at a time when New Jersey’s pension system is considered America’s least stable.

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