NJ-11: Webber (R) demands Sherrill (D) take a position on Murphy’s tax hikes

Webber (left) and Murphy (right)
Webber (left) and Murphy (right)

PARSIPPANY, N.J. — A pattern in the 2018 election is emerging, Save Jerseyans, and it’s Republican candidates electing to bypass national headwinds by running directly at an increasingly polarizing Democrat governor in Trenton.

On Monday, NJ-11 GOP nominee Jay Webber demanded that his Democrat opponent Mikie Sherrill declare for or against Phil Murphy’s planned tax hikes.

“I am a small business owner and father of seven. I pay the monthly mortgage for my family, and sign the front of the paychecks for my employees every two weeks. I understand the concerns of average taxpayers and always keep our interests in mind – that’s why I have stood up consistently against both Democrats and Republicans whenever anyone has tried to raise our taxes,” said Webber, an Assemblyman representing LD26.

The price tag for Murphy’s planned tax hikes is estimated at $1.5 billion for FY 2019 alone, a controversial move which has inaugurate a Democrat civil war over the budget which may result in a government shutdown at the end of this month.

Webber and Sherrill are competing for the seat of retiring Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R).

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