REPORT: Ocean County Democrat committeeman threatens lawsuit over colleague’s insults

LITTLE EGG HARBOR, N.J. — Insults in the rough-and-tumble world of partisan politics are a dime a dozen.

In one Jersey Shore county town, the recipient of the insults wants to sue.

#Snowflake alert?

You decide: Democrat Committeeman Dave Schlick, a Democrat, has reportedly filed a torts claim notice for $1 million predicated upon alleged damages to his “reputation as a person as well as a L.E.H. committeeman” purportedly perpetrated by an opponent, Republican John Kehm.

What exactly did Kehm supposedly do or say?

The alleged damaging comments include Schlick being accused of having “bad breathe” in addition to other “inappropriate comments” and disparaging nicknames like “midget,” “old man” and “Baldilocks.”

Some of the comments were allegedly made at an April 12th committee meeting.

PoliticsOC has the full story here.


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