Murphy’s Trenton prioritized illegal aliens over combat veterans before its summer recess

By Matt Rooney

Whether you can find justice in a “Social Justice Warrior” paradise like Phil Murphy’s New Jersey ultimately depends upon who you know or how you vote.

Illegal aliens = great base politics for Murphy.

Veterans are not.

It’s a helluva thing to see heading into the Independence Day holiday but here we are, Save Jerseyans. This is our reality. You may’ve heard that Trenton’s legislative Democrats passed a budget (and some supplemental appropriations) at the end of June, and Governor Murphy is on board. One of the “priorities” for the FY 2020 spending bonanza is $3 million to pay for illegal aliens’ lawyers. There’s plenty of other wasteful, corrupt, and generally inadvisable stuff in there, too, but at least most of that is for citizens.

Offensive as hell on its face, yes, but also a drop in the bucket now that state spending is up by over a few billion since Phil Murphy took office in January 2018

What isn’t as important or mission critical to Murphy and his pals’ far-left agenda: exempting our American heroes’ combat pay.

New Jersey presently makes U.S. service members pay state income tax on pay received while aboard AND, if that wasn’t bad enough, their combat bonuses paid will serving in war zones. The feds don’t tax it. The other 49 states don’t tax it. Only us. It’s a scandal. An embarrassment. A travesty. We wrote about it back in June when it looked like Trenton might actually do something about it after many years of inaction.

I think we knew better. The State Senate acted. The Assembly — the body that’s entire membership is on the ballot this November by the way — headed home for summer vacation without acting. Yes, it passed out of the Assembly Military and Veterans Affairs Committee but the legislation hasn’t moved out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

Your Democrat Assembly wouldn’t leave town without making sure illegal aliens had your tax dollars in hand to fight deportation. That was their priority.

Combat veterans can wait and continue to pay.

Those who do the most for our country are being placed in line behind those who broke in. Governor Murphy loves to talk about “fairness.” Is this what that looks like?

Think about that when you’re barbecuing this long holiday weekend. I don’t give a damn how you feel about Iraq, Afghanistan, Donald Trump or Donald Duck. Is any of this fair? Or right? Are the Murphy Democrats’ priorities really and truly YOUR priorities? 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.