Steinhardt asks AG Barr to investigate the Murphy Administration

TRENTON, N.J. – Allegations of misused federal funds and a suspected “inquisition” to expose whistleblowers has Trenton on edge. It’s also inspired NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt to call for a federal inquiry into the Murphy Administration. 

Steinhardt’s full letter can be viewed here.

The letter is addressed to both U.S. Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey Craig Carpenito:

“Reports reflect that the Governor’s administration may not be taking proper care with federal funds. Purportedly recorded and reported exchanges between State Health Department Commissioner Judy Persichilli and the Governor’s senior staff raise the specter of intentional abuses and mismanagement of those funds. At the very least, it is respectfully submitted that this newest revelation adds an additional layer of intrigue that warrants federal intervention and assistance.

Additionally, as if that was not enough, it is also widely reported that the Governor’s administration is now actively conducting an inquisition to determine who provided this information to the public. The result is a potential chilling effect on future whistleblowers who may have information about other alleged mismanagement or wrong doing, but could, as a result of the Governor’s aggressive, offensive strategy to prevent transparency and enforce silence, refuse to come forward for fear of administration retaliation.”

Click here to read the letter.

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