VIDEO: Booker laments that ACB thinks constitutional principles are more important than skin color

By Matt Rooney

Associate Justice (!) Amy Coney Barrett made it beatifully clear on Monday night during her post-swearing speech, Save Jerseyans: her job is to apply the text of the Constitution, not impose her personal opinions on the text of the Constitution.

“A judge declares independence not only from Congress and the President, but also from the private beliefs that might otherwise move her,” Barrett explained.

To the surprise of no one, Barrett’s fealty to the Constitution and the finest traditions of the American justice system had Cory Booker (D-Twitter) absolutely losing his shit on the floor of the U.S. Senate shortly before the 52-48 final confirmation vote.

“I was surprised that they could not speak to one article, one column or one book, they’ve read about issues of race and the law,” Booker whined during a lengthy nearly half hour-long rant referring, he said, to his conversations with then-nominee Barrett.

Cory shouldn’t be all too surprised his “conversations” with ACB were less than constructive. He did (like the rest of his party) declare against the nomination from the moment it was announced. That’s a poor starting point for a productive dialogue.


…is a U.S. Supreme Court justice really supposed to let racial politics – or any other sort of politics, including BLM – govern his or her decisions? Isn’t that ironically little different to what Leftists said they feared about ACB’s nomination: her being alarmingly too devout a Catholic?

Aren’t judges supposed to set personal prejudices and preferences aside and apply the law dispassionately? Treating all men and women equal under the law regardless of race, gender or creed? Ruling on cases independent of whatever latest grievance culture fad is popular on social media?

Did Justice Barrett take an oath to honor the Constitution? Or some whacked-out law professor’s latest treatise on critical race theory?

I think ACB has the measure of what makes this country work much better than Spartacus. She knows that true justice is color blind, judges serve best when detached from an agenda, and that American history is unforgiving to demagogues (like Cory Booker) who have less-than-admirable intentions for our country’s institutions.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.