The Murphy Administration blew a paperwork deadline. The result: a one week nursing home vaccination delay.

TRENTON, N.J. – If your grandparent catches COVID-19 this upcoming Christmas week in a New Jersey nursing home? You’ll know who to blame, Save Jerseyans.

On Friday, the woman who needs an introduction (State Health Commissioner Judy Persichilli) admitted that the Murphy Administration blew a federal paperwork deadline and, as a result, New Jersey will start distributing COVID-19 vaccines in nursing homes on December 28th instead of December 21st. Persichilli blamed the delay on the “volume of information that had to be inputted, nothing more than that.”

“In order to start on the 21st, there was a deadline of the 7th for inputting all the registered skilled nursing facilities, long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities, of which we have over 650, we missed that date by a day,” Persichilli complained at Friday’s dauly COVID-19 briefing. “We asked to start on the 21st and they said no, you will start on the 28th.”

Got that?

They couldn’t finish the paperwork. Now your Grandma Sue and Great Uncle Earl (who fought in Korea) are screwed if they catch COVID-19 on the 23rd.

New Jersey already has America’s worst COVID-19 death rate in large part because – never forget this – the Murphy Administration barred long-term care facilities from screening for COVID-19 positive admissions in the early days of the pandemic. Over 7,000 have died as a direct result of this policy. The feds are investigating the possible underreporting of deaths in our veterans’ homes.

And Phil Murphy has the nerve to repeatedly blame Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell for our troubles?

November 2021 is coming, folks. Remember. 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.