Biden, Murphy side with the teachers unions over our children

By Matt Rooney

If there’s one issue most suburban New Jersey parents can agree upon in his divisive political climate, Save Jerseyans, it’s that remote schooling is the devil. There is a mountain of data at this stage of the pandemic – including from the CDC itself – confirming that in-person instruction is SAFE. New Jersey is home to over 1.3 million K-12 students. There have been 629 cases linked to schools since the pandemic began. That’s all!

The data is also piling up that remote schooling isn’t healthy for kids. It’s bad for their academic development, social development, and that’s not even accounting for the known physical and psychological impact of too much screen time.

So why are so many districts going remote? Staying remote? And acting like kids are almost as dangerous at the rats who spread the Black Death in the 14th Century?

It’s the same answer to the question “who is responsible for most of the bullshit and failure” in our public school system:

Teachers unions.

Here in the Garden State, Phil Murphy buckled under pressure from the NJEA back in the summer and let schools go 100% remote.

After initially suggesting he was pro-in person instruction for America’s kids, Joe Biden is now running scared from the Chicago teachers union and refusing to take a strong stance on that union’s refusal to return to in-person instruction.

“It’s not so much about the idea of teachers aren’t going to work,” Biden told reporters on Monday. “The teachers I know, they want to work. They just want to work in a safe environment and as safe as we can rationally make it. We can do that and we should be able to open every school, kindergarten through 8th grade, if in fact we administer these tests. It will have the added advantage, I might add, of putting millions of people back to work. All those mothers and fathers at home taking care of their children rather than going to work, even when they can work, they’re not able to do it unless they have the luxury of working distance-wise like many of us do.”

Nice dodge, Joe.

His chief of staff was less evasive on CNN on Tuesday, expressing his belief that schools were unsafe without federally subsidized upgrades. So that’s what Joe REALLY thinks.

Let’s not beat around the bush here, folks.

Joe Biden and Phil Murphy have made their decision. They’re siding with teachers unions over your family. Your kids’ well-being is less important to them – and the SCIENCE they pretend to revere is less critical to them – than keeping these political powerful public sector special interests happy. We know a major pro-Murphy dark money pac is bankrolled by the NJEA. America’s teachers unions were also major Biden boosters in 2020.

Governor Murphy pretends it’s a local control issue (when on every other issue he’s a statist who wants to tell us how to take a dump safely). Biden lets others do the talking for him while he rambles on without actually saying anything. This is a strategy. You’re being managed. Don’t fall for it.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.