Murphy ducks scrutiny after Smith calls him out for handicapping unemployment advocacy

Governor Phil Murphy had no answers on Wednesday when confronted at his daily COVID-19 presser over a policy which restricts state and federal legislators’ abilities to advocate for the unemployed.

“As I’ve said many times here, a lot of these cases of late, late being as far back as last May or June, with exceptions when there are windows where the entire system requires a fix, that these are very particular specific cases to the individual’s circumstance,” Murphy told the Media. “So I know we take that very seriously. I know the commissioner is taking it seriously. I’ve got no more color on that.”

There’s little evidence that Murphy is taking any of it seriously.

Despite a persisent unemployment benefit backlog, the governor declined to dedicate sufficient funds to fix the system in his new budget proposal. He said the appropriation would be a “waste.”

What’s more, the new aforementioned Murphy Administration policy limits representatives like Congressman Chris Smith (R, NJ-04) to submitting 25 cases on a biweekly basis on a state-administered case management system.

“Under the new policy, it will take over a year before my staff and I will be able to re-submit (as instructed) the 700 current pending cases which I had already initiated with NJDOL — not to mention the new inquiries I receive each day from constituents who are desperately seeking their benefits,” Smith wrote in a March 10th letter.

Murphy did find the time to criticize Smith for voting against the $1.9 trillion stimulus package after ducking the original question.

New Jersey’s unemployment rate is nearly back up to 8% under the Dermocrat governor’s failed economic stewardship, and many unemployed residents are still languishing for months with an inefficient, out-of-date system further frustrated by the inability to reach a live person in Trenton. The new Murphy policy compounds the problem by limiting the ability of representatives like Smith to intervene.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.