BAD RELIGION: Murphy compares Covid restrictions, vaccinations to the Easter story

The Left’s transformation into a secular religion is arguably most pronounced in New Jersey, Save Jerseyans, where Phil Murphy has now (for the second time) used Jesus Christ to push Covid politics. The Governor just couldn’t pass on Easter as an opportunity to virtue-signal. It was too tempting!

He did it back in March to promote Covid-19 vaccinations.

“In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus commands us to ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’” Murphy tweeted. “There is no greater manifestation of this commandment than to roll up your sleeve when it’s your turn. By taking the vaccine, we’re keeping ourselves and our communities safe. That is love.”

Crazy? Yup. But he wasn’t done yet.

One month later, he and Tammy cut a “Happy Easter” video released on social media this Sanday. The message? That our state’s suffering over the past year finds its parallel in the Easter story, and that we can overcome with “persistant” adherence to his Covid advice:

Now some of you will say “Matt, come’on, there’s nothing weird about comparing Christ’s suffering to both everyday and extraordinary human suffering; Christians do that all the time.” And that’s true!

But context is key, right?

This guy’s policies just killed 8,000+ nursing home residents and he’s completely unapologetic. His restrictions needlessly destroyed one-third of our state’s businesses, and yet for all that suffering we still have the country’s worst Covid-19 per capita death rate. His daily COVID-19 briefings are a steady stream of bad facts and manipulated data, and anyone who questions his mandates – including shutting down churches for months – is deried by the governor as a “knucklehead.”

For him to compare our suffering over the past year to Christ’s passion when MURPHY himself is responsible for most of the Garden State’s present pain is nothing short of outrageous.

It’s also extremely narcissistic.

If Phil wants New Jerseyans to attach biblical significance to the last thirteen months, then I hate to break it to him, but he’s not the Jesus figure in this story. He’s more like Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who made shirked responsibility, made a terrible decision, and then courageously washed his hands of it all. 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.