New poll finds statistical dead heat in Murphy vs. Ciattarelli contest

A new poll sponsored by the conservative group Club for Growth PAC conducted between August 24th and August 29th found a statistical dead head in the race for New Jersey Governor.

Republican nominee Jack Ciattarelli trails the incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy by 1-point, 46% to 45%.

“A 55% majority of New Jersey likely voters believe the state is off on the wrong track, while just 43% say right direction,” explained the polling team at Fabrizio, Lee & Associates. “This is driven heavily by Republicans, but also Independents, who feel New Jersey is off on the wrong track by a 43-point margin. Even 1-in-4 Democrats say wrong track. Those who don’t regularly vote in gubernatorial ballots are more pessimistic, but even a majority of higher-propensity voters believe the state is headed off on the wrong track.”

Click here to read the polling memo. 

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