Murphy pushes schools to ban unvaxxed kids from extracurricular activities

New year same as the old year?

Sadly, that may very well be the case for New Jersey’s K-12 students. Schools are going remote. Activities are being cancelled. And for children who aren’t vaccinated, the governor that their friends’ parents (narrowly) reelected is pushing to exclude them from extracurricular activities.

That’s according to new guidance from the New Jersey Department of Health (DOH) dropped on New Jersey’s (Eve) Eve, while many of you were busy preparing for another long holiday weekend…

So we’re not just talking about the high school kids here, Save Jerseyans. Young children whose parents are reluctant to vaccinate would be excluded from sports, band, clubs, and other similiar staples of the school experience in 2022.

The DOH guidance refers specifically to “red” areas on the state’s Covid activity map; at the moment, 11 of 21 counties – covering a strong majority of the state’s population – are “red.”

Murphy’s henchmen also want children participating in extracurricular activities tested TWICE weekly regardingless of vaccination status. What’s the point of vaccination for kids at close-to-no-risk for a bad outcome if they still need to have a stick jabbed up their little noses twice weekly anyway? Your guess is as good as mine!

Could a mandate be next? New York City is already mandating COVID-19 vaccination for “high risk” extracurricular participation including sports and band.

Even the liberal media acknowledges that there’s no indication Omicron is any more severe for kids than the other variants (which also had very little impact on children). According to the America Academy of Pediatrics (hardly a right-wing organization), states reported 0.00%-0.03% of kiddie COVID-19 cases resulted in the child dying. You also need to keep in mind that many of these states do NOT distinguish between “with covid” and “because of covid” when it comes to cause of death. The bottom line: there are a number of other things threatening your kids that are scarier than the novel coronavirus.

It’s time to stand up for your kids, folks. 2022 is another year. Find out whether there’s a school board election in your district. Make your voices heard.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.