The CRT Democrats are working overtime to kill Dr. King’s dream

My friend and legendary Philly radio broadcaster Dom Giordano made an important point this morning in a Delaware Valley Journal op-ed: it’s dangerous for conservatives to pretend that Dr. Martin Luther King was something he wasn’t. The late civil rights icon wouldn’t fit neatly into today’s ideological boxes.

Some of his views were decidedly to the right of today’s Democrats; others might’ve qualified him for membership in the Squad.

As with any complicated historical figure, it’s safer to focus on what King wanted to see as opposed to the specific policy prescriptions he favored to get there:

A country where his children would be judged by the “content of their character,” not their skin color.

With that in mind, go ahead and ask yourself which American political movement’s goals are more closely aligned to Dr. King’s ultimate end goal.

Think about it, and you shouldn’t have to strain your brain: how many self-described “anti-racist” activists in 2022 resemble Dr. King in any meaningful way? You can’t transform people’s hearts from a place of hate, and you can’t bring people together by teaching them from a young age – as Critical Race Theory adherents aim to do – that their skin tone is a guarantee of either lifetime inescapable victimhood or racial original sin.

I do think Dr. King would want Americans to talk honestly and openly about racial history and racial bias.

I don’t think Dr. King would want 11-year old white kids taught that their whiteness is a deal with the devil which, by the way, is exactly what’s happening in Lawrence Township, New Jersey.

For the dream to survive? And have a chance of becoming reality?

The Left needs to lose this CRT battle, folks. It’s a zero sum game.

The choice for anyone of good faith is ultimately pretty simple. As the man himself famously declared, “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.