Van Drew bill strikes at federal funding for schools forcing radical sex ed classes on kids

Spurred on by events in his home state, Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R, NJ-02) announced on Monday that he will introduce the “My Child, My Choice” Act.

“Instead of teaching our second graders about math, science, and reading, Governor Murphy and the state of New Jersey are threatening the safety and security of our school children,” said Congressman Van Drew in a statement. “While every child should go to school and feel accepted and comfortable, we should not be compromising the safety of our young children by allowing restrooms and changing rooms be available to any child regardless of their actual gender. The whole country saw late last year the terrible event that took place in Loudon County Virginia where a young girl was sexually assaulted in the girl’s restroom by a boy who dressed in girls’ clothing. As legislators, our job is to protect our constituents and the American people; New Jersey is doing just the opposite. These children are young. They are concerned with improving their reading and writing. Not learning about gender identity and sexual orientation.”

A Save Jersey story on New Jersey’s new highly-sexualized K-12 curriculum standards went viral last week, with many parents learning for the first time about adult topic matters (ranging from the clitoris and masterbation to transgenderism and gender roles) which – in some cases – will be broached with children as young as 7 years old.

“Parents are outraged, as they should be,” added Van Drew. “These policies and guidance are forcing parents out of the equation relating to their child’s education and is government overreach at its finest. Parents deserve to have a say in what their children learn in school, and I would bet that it does not include teaching six-, seven-, and eight-year-olds about sexual orientation. This is outrageous. This is unbelievable. This is just wrong.”

The former Democrat from South Jersey pledged to do what he can to push back against the madness engulfing schools districts in his home state, though with Democrats currently in charge of D.C., there’s little hope of the legislation advancing until at least January when Republicans hope to control both chambers.

New Jersey parents will be able to opt-out of the new lessons; the Congressman’s legislative proposal would require written consent prior to participation.

“In response to these radical policies being put forth by the state of New Jersey, I am drafting a federal response by introducing legislation that will require parents to be informed of any classroom discussion relating to gender identity and sexual orientation,” the Congressman continued. “This legislation will require written consent by parents and if a school who receives federal education funding fails to do so, they will lose that federal funding. This madness must come to an end, and we must protect our country’s children and protect parents right to make decisions regarding their children’s education.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.