N.J. NOW president wonders why parents want to control their kids’ education

The Left is usually pretty solid at message discipline, Save Jerseyans, but when it comes to Phil Murphy’s perverted sex ed curriculum standards for young children? They’re all over the map.

Murphy says there will be a review.

Embattled Democrats in swing districts like Vin Gopal and Tom Malinowski are furiously backpeddling.

Other far-Left activists are digging in.

Anjali Mehrotra, president of the New Jersey chapter of National Organization for Women (NOW), shared an op-ed with InsiderNJ on Wednesday in which the self-described “unapologetic feminist” demanded to know why parents wanted control over their own children’s education.

“To the parents who resist the change I ask—why is it so important for you to be in control of what your child is learning in school?” wrote Mehrotra. “Are you in control of your student’s internet access? Do you know what they are watching on Youtube and Tiktok? Or more to the point, are you even aware of what control the parents of your child’s friend have on their access. Because you can be sure that your student is watching whatever their friends are watching.”

Setting aside for a moment how ridiculous it is for a self-labeled “feminist” to support children learning that gender is an amorphous social construct, I very much hope Mehrotra’s lefty allies run on her sentiments in 2022 and 2023.

They’ll get smoked.

She’s not wrong that children are exposed to things outside of the classroom and their parents’ line of sight. That’s actually an argument AGAINST the government forcing its radical, one-sided curriculum agenda on children.

She’s 100% deceitful about the dynamic at work here. As the Daily Caller confirmed on Wednesday in Morris County, we’re not talking about high school students; young kids are being exposed to very adult topic matter in Garden State classrooms as we speak, and Murphy’s standards don’t even officially take effect until September.

I absolutely don’t expect to know everything a high school kid is getting up to.

My 5th grader? Or a child between ages 5 and 8, the group impacted by Florida’s parental rights law? Good parents absolutely need to be checking up on their kids and protecting them. Parental Internet and device controls are well-understood technology at this point in time. Most Leftists know that’s a universally popular opinion, so only the most radical (like Mehrotra) who aren’t on the ballot will say what she did out loud.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.