The Princeton prof behind N.J.’s redistricting map stands accused of manipulating his data

New Jersey’s deeply flawed congressional redistricting map is unexpectedly receiving fresh scrutiny on Thursday after a bombshell report from The New Jersey Globe, Save Jerseyans.

The involvement of far-Left Professor Sam Wang of the Princeton Gerrymandering Project was already controversial, and questions of conflicts of interest for Princeton University had already been raised.

The latest twist? According to The Globe, Wang is presently under internal investigation by Princeton for alleged manipulating data pertaining to the redistricting process (among other things):

“In addition to complaints that Wang created a toxic work environment that included retaliatory acts and job threats, and a possible Title IX violation, three individuals directly connected to the Princeton Gerrymandering Project confirmed that the university is also investigating allegations of research misconduct against the neuroscience professor-turned-redistricting activist. The New Jersey Globe is withholding the names of the three individuals, who fear that they could become the target of further retribution by Wang.”

“While working on New Jersey redistricting, Wang was accused of manipulating data to achieve the outcome he wanted, the three individuals confirmed.

“He’d fudge the numbers to get his way,” said one individual.  “He had an agenda.  He was good at hiding it when he had to, but it was clear Sam wanted Democrats to win and he was willing to cheat to make that happen.”

Princeton Gerrymandering Project staffers raised considerable objections to a report Wang had written on New Jersey’s congressional redistricting that they said was biased.  A senior legal strategist on Wang’s team, a graduate of a top law school who had clerked for two federal judges, worked through the night to rewrite sections that were tilted in favor of the Democratic map in a bid to seek the appearance of greater objectivity.”

Redistricting tiebreaker John Wallace – who was forced to “amplify” his reason for picking the Democrat map after initially saying he simply picked the “D” version since Republicans succeeded with their own map in 2010 – relied heavily on Wang throughout the process.

Understandably, Republicans both inside New Jersey and at the national level are demanding a fresh look at New Jersey congressional redistricting in light of the new revelations:

A renewed legal challenge to the map is now likely.

Also on Thursday, Republican Redistricting Chairman Doug Steinhardt called on the Redistricting Commission to reconvene, and Steinhardt further announced that the GOP commissioners’ attorney is directing document preservation notices to “Princeton University, Sam Wang and Chairman Wallace as they explore potential litigation options.”

“According to the New Jersey Globe article, Sam Wang defrauded 9 million New Jersey residents when he rigged the redistricting process and took taxpayer money while doing it,” said Steinhardt, an attorney and former NJGOP chairman. “Cheating is cheating and fraud is fraud and Sam Wang should not be able to hide behind the Princeton Gerrymandering Project’s nonprofit status or the ivory towers of a liberal Ivy League institution. Neither should Wang’s actions be conveniently protected by the partisan 13th member or have the New Jersey Supreme Court turn a blind eye to the misconduct which has wide-ranging impacts on the State.”

“The Republican Commissioners raised concerns throughout the process about Wang’s obvious partisan behavior, but Chairman Wallace let himself be duped by his top advisor,” added Steinhardt. “Now, he must reconvene the Commission to discuss the implications of this report. I am working swiftly to gather the Republican members early next week, and we will announce our next steps shortly after that.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.