Murphy Adminstration pretends to combat crime after releasing thousands of criminals

Team Murphy wants to pretend to be doing something about crime, Save Jerseyans, so Phil (fresh back from Ireland) and Acting AG Platkin held a presser on Friday announcing $10 million in investment to combat auto theft in the Garden State.

A spike in automotive thefts is a statewide problem at the moment. It’s an urban problem yes, but also very much a suburban issue, too.

What Phil Murphy and Matt Platkin won’t mention at today’s press conference:

The state has inexplicably continued to spring thousands of criminals from New Jersey’s jails in recent months, all in the name of Covid-19 mitigation, despite the official end of the Covid-19 emergency. The real kicker? Nearly 1 in 10 were later picked up (again) by law enforcement, and three men released under the Covid credit program were later accused of committing homicide.

We’ve said it here for months and we’ll keep pointing it out: the Covid credit program was a SOCIAL JUSTICE measure; it never had anything to do with pandemic science or public health.

If the Murphy Administration is serious about stopping the growing crime wave, then it could easily start by stopping the early release of criminals – some of whom were jailed for serious crimes – from the state’s corrections facilities.

More criminals = more crime.

“Social” justice = more victims of all colors, backgrounds and creeds.

That’s math that even a woke Democrat should be able to understand.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.