VIDEO: ‘Advocates for Youth’ Sex Ed Director can’t answer whether people are born male or female

We’re going to start digging into “Advocates for Youth,” Save Jerseyans: the radical organization behind those Westfield, New Jersey model Sex Ed materials that – after being broadcast by this cite – set off a national firestorm.

Meet Nora Gelperin, M.Ed., who serves as “Director of Sex Education and Training” at Advocates for Youth. She’s got pronouns and has been cited by all the big liberal rags (NYT, The Atlantic, etc.). She isn’t a medical doctor, by the way, but she does somehow feel confident in her ability to teach your young school children about extremely adult and controversial topics.

News12 Politics Reporter Alex Zdan (one of the few real journalists left in New Jersey) recently interviewed her and asked some tough but fair questions. I’ve reposted some excerpts of Alex’s interview below. I was particularly interested in Gelperin’s answer to what most of us THOUGHT was an uncomplicated question.

“Because biologically, people are born either male or female correct?” Zdan asked Gelperin as a follow up to a question about gender and sex.

“So biologically, people are born with all different kinds of body parts, and chromosomes, and genes and different kinds of hormones. It’s a really complex subject area; it’s not one I feel well established to comment on in a media interview.”

She doesn’t know… but her organization wants to talk to your 7-year-old about it anyway! Even some of the most radical advocates of transgenderism concede humans are born male or female. Not Gelperin or her organization.

Watch below:

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.