Testa demands Murphy’s treasurer answer for unauthorized appropriations

It’s a simple matter of accountability.

On Tuesday, state Senator Mike Testa Jr. (R-1) demanded that the Murphy Administration’s treasurer appear and answer for millions of dollars apparently transferred in violation of state law.

The Cumberland County legislator also accused Muoio of dishonesty.

“Treasurer Muoio provided grossly inaccurate testimony to our committee indicating State debt was shrinking when it actually was growing, and she transferred $10 million without required legislative approval to fund Governor Murphy’s plan to send $2,000 payments to illegal immigrants,” said Testa who serves on the Senate Budget Committee. “If the Budget Committee refuses to call Treasurer Muoio to appear to account for these clear abuses, the Murphy administration will only be emboldened to commit even greater transgressions at New Jersey taxpayer expense.”

Testa’s original demand dates back to June 1st after news broke of the transfers to the so-called Excluded New Jerseyans Fund designed to give $2,000 to $4,000 payments to illegal aliens.

The following is the full text of Testa’s letter to committee chairman Paul Sarlo:

Dear Chairman Sarlo:

I am writing to respectfully request that you invite the State Treasurer to attend the next meeting of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee to publicly account for a gross misrepresentation of the State’s long-term debt and an apparently willful violations of the 2023 Appropriations Act where federal money is being spent without first obtaining required legislative approvals.

At the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee hearing with the Treasurer’s Office last month, the Treasurer left prepared remarks in her absence indicating New Jersey’s debt decreased to a seven-year low. At the hearing, I questioned those remarks and asked that she reappear before the committee if the subsequent issuance of the state’s audit (Annual Comprehensive Financial Report) called that, or other representations of the State’s fiscal condition, into question. Subsequently, the State’s audit — released 6 months late — indicated the State’s long-term debt increased by almost $4 billion in bonded debt, another more than $4 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, and another $36 billion in other long-term obligations. That State Audit didn’t just call the Treasurer’s claim into question, it made a mockery of those claims with long-term debt climbing at a record $44 billion pace in a single year. Furthermore, the State’s debt report has not been produced as required by law — unprecedented this late in the year and apparently because there’s no math possible to lend credibility to her earlier claim.

Additionally, since the May hearing, we have been informed by the Legislative Budget and Finance Officer that tens of millions of dollars are being used in support of unilateral Executive Branch spending proposals in violation of a requirement to first receive approval of the Legislature through the Joint Budget Oversight Committee.

Failure to hold the Treasurer publicly accountable for a grossly inappropriate misrepresentation of the State’s financial condition and flagrant violations of law will beg more of the same.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation with my reasonable request.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.