Two years later, less than 18% of N.J. pandemic relief funds have been spent

It’s real money, Save Jerseyans, and it could buy a lot of tax relief, meals for hungry kids, filling pot holes or much-needed school security upgrades. It nevertheless remais unspent nearly two years later.

New Jersey’s State Auditor recently dropped a new report confirming that a mere $1.1 billion of the $6.2 billion in federal “American Rescue Plan” funds allotted to New Jersey way back on May 19, 2021 has actually been spent by Trenton.

Some of the stuff Phil Murphy HAS spent federal money on is of dubious value to the public (and disconnected for Covid-19).

For example, the Murphy Administration spent “half a million dollars in federal Covid relief funds to purchase eight new SUVs to transport the governor, lieutenant governor and other top administration officials.” And that’s not all… Murphy used another $1 million to house criminals and a whopping $20 million for illegal aliens and other people who have issues following the rules.

Unsurprisingly, competing visions for the cash have been dismissed outright by Murphy and his legislative allies.

“In contrast with the Murphy administration’s failures, Senate Republicans offered a detailed plan to use relief funds efficiently and effectively to support small businesses, fix our broken unemployment and MVC computer systems, stop unnecessary tax increases, protect school funding, and help families in need,” said Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R-13) on Thursday. “Unfortunately, Trenton Democrats refused to listen and many serious problems that could have been addressed with these funds remain inexplicably unresolved.”

Phil Murphy is term-limited, but the entire Democrat-controlled legislature is on the ballot in 2023 which presents voters with an opportunity – should they seize it – to challenge Trenton’s priorities.

“Misusing pandemic relief funds to purchase SUVs and give handouts to illegal immigrants and ex-convicts is clearly the top priority for Trenton Democrats. Why else would they continuously withhold pandemic relief funds to provide relief for New Jerseyans?” added Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) spokesperson Stephanie Rivera in a separate statement.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.