Phil Murphy fingers “climate crisis” for Canadian wildfire fallout

New Jerseyans hoping to enjoy spring temperatures were forced indoors on Wednesday night thanks to Canadian wildfires which blanketed the East Coast in a veil of ashy-smelling smoke.

The Left was ready with its favorite talking points notwithstanding the fact that we know most wildfires are caused by accidental human activity (the jury remains out on these, of course). Canadian authorities haven’t yet cited a specific cause for the fires raging across our northern neighbor’s expansive woodlands at this hour; poor forest management practices may’ve played a role. The Media down here knows better?

“While wildfires in California and other western states have prompted air quality warnings in the past, seeing them on the other side of the country has prompted questions about how much of a role climate change is playing in the event,” an article written by five (?) ABC News website journalists explained. Why it took five journalists to slap together a click-and-paste article of Leftist climate talking points will likely remain a mystery for the rest of my days. Not to be outdone, over at CBS, a mask-wearing reporter compared the air quality in NYC to smoking one cigarette per hour.

Fear porn, Covid-style.

Meanwhile, Governor Phil Murphy didn’t miss a beat, tweeting late Wednesday evening that “[t]his isn’t Blade Runner — it’s real life. And it’s a direct result of the climate crisis.”

Here’s an idea: maybe those hideous wind turbines Phil Murphy wants to construct off our coast can blow the smog away? Perhaps he thinks a slew of dead whales and dolphins is a small price to pay the next time O’Canada burns?

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.