Murphy moves ahead with plan to phase out N.J. gas-powered car sales beginning in 2026

If you’re not a big fan of the electric car movement, Save Jerseyans?

Now might be the time to buy a gas-powered vehicle, terrible interest rates notwithstanding.

Why? On Monday, the Murphy Administration confirmed plans to enact an administrative rule barring car manufacturers from producing fossil fuel cars beginning in 2035; the phase-out will start sooner, however, by requiring that 35% of vehicles sold be electric starting in 2026. The required percentage would raise annually by somewhere between 6% and 8% until the ban on gas cars becomes absolute in 2035.

The Administration, however, stressed that “[t]he rule does not impose any obligations on consumers or car dealers, and provides compliance flexibilities for manufacturers, including a credit trading mechanism.”

“By filing the ACCII proposal, we build upon our nation-leading record of bold climate action while delivering on our promise to utilize every tool at our disposal to combat the intensifying climate crisis,” said Governor Murphy. “Our commitment to bringing the ACCII proposal to fruition is a commitment to every New Jersey family and the air they breathe, air that will be cleaner and healthier tomorrow thanks to the steps we’re taking to reduce emissions today. That commitment is underscored by our signing of the ZEV Declaration, which recognizes that New Jersey is just one crucial piece of our global response to climate change.”

As with everything else Murphy proposes – e.g. those ghastly offshore wind turbines – there’s no compelling argument for what any of this will accomplish in real terms towards saving our planet. Our state’s emissions on an annual basis are a tiny fraction of what leading CO2 producers like China throw into the atmosphere on a daily basis.

But hey… you and I aren’t running for president at some point in the future. Phil Murphy hopes to, and winning the Democrat party nomination for high office in 2023/2024/beyond requires that the appropriate homage be made to the green gods.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.