Murphy’s next target – ‘racist’ schoolhouse discipline? – will get teachers sued, raise your property taxes

They always pull this crap ahead of long holiday weekends, Save Jerseyans.

The Murphy Administration is already working to sexualize school curricula, inject climate change junk science, and sue school districts which dare to inform parents when a minor child wants to switch genders.

Next up: attacking racism embedded in school discipline.

“In New Jersey – and across the nation – there have been and continue to be undeniable disparities when it comes to school discipline,” said AG Matt Plakin in a Monday press release alongside the New Jersey education commissioner. “The guidance we are releasing today makes clear that from kindergarten to high school classrooms, Latinx/e and Black students face disproportionate discipline for the same actions committed by their white peers. And nationally, LGBTQ+ students are nearly twice as likely to be suspended from school as non-LGBTQ+ students. These disparities are unacceptable and should alarm us all. Our new guidance provides schools with additional resources to eliminate discrimination and bias and will help ensure greater equity for all New Jersey students.”

Platkin’s released guidance allegedly “provides schools with the tools to identify and prevent violations of the LAD’s prohibition against disparate treatment – such as when school staff “discipline students differently because of their race, national origin, gender, disability, or other protected characteristic, even if the differential treatment results from unconscious rather than conscious bias.”

Social justice insanity? Absolutely. But let’s discuss what this all means in practical terms…

The “LAD” is New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination, and as observed after this news broke, Platkin’s latest nonsense could to open “the floodgates” for lawsuits with plaintiffs accusing schools (and teachers) of discrimination in imposing discipline. I would add “likely” since we already know – and every teacher reading this knows – how difficult the current environment already is in many public schools.

Who will suffer most? Non-white children is economically-challenged areas who will see further breakdowns of order inside their classrooms because teachers and administrators are terrified to discipline any child who falls into a protected or semi-protected class. Taxpayers will also take it on the chin since litigation payouts will force increases in the school portion of your local tax levy.

More expense schools, worse discipline environments in schools, and more fear among the staff of lawsuits lurking behind every desk.

Everyone will lose. Except, of course, for the mega wealthy limousine liberals like Phil Murphy who don’t need to rely on the public school system and can also easily absorb endless property tax hikes. What else is new?

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.