Van Drew spearheads federal “No IDs for Illegals Act”

The Biden Administration is suddenly interested in building a wall. Go figure!

Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-2) – who’s been serious about border security from before it was cool – isn’t allowing the speakership vacancy to distract him from core priorities. This week, South Jersey’s Republican Congressman announced that he’s re-introducing the No IDs for Illegals Act. Notwithstanding the Biden Administration’s decision to waive regulations to work on a border wall in Texas, it has also been reported that the White House intends to hand out identification cards to illegals.

“Last year, I introduced the No IDs for Illegals Act after it was discovered that the Biden administration had plans to provide illegal immigrants with government-issued ID cards. Now, the administration plans to reintroduce the same proposal, at a time when illegal immigration is surging and so-called sanctuary states are buckling under the pressure from the influx of migrants,” said Van Drew. “This is not just a crisis; it is an invasion that has been allowed due to the dereliction of duty from Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden. By providing illegal immigrants with ID cards, this administration will only exacerbate the invasion taking place. It is also certainly not out of the realm of possibilities that these identification cards could be used to eventually vote in American elections, as some on the left have already proposed. I thank my colleagues for joining me in these efforts to stop this ill-advised policy before it begins.”

“Under the Biden administration’s open-border policies, illegal border crossings have reached unsustainable record high, wreaking havoc on our nation’s communities. It’s incomprehensible to think we would reward this criminal behavior by granting those present in the country illegally an ID that all but legitimizes their presence and is intended to be used in ways beyond their immigration proceedings,” added Rep. Michael McCaul (R, TX-10), one of the legislation’s sponsors in the House. “It’s insulting to those who made sacrifices in order to follow our nation’s laws to live the American dream.”

Click here to read the full text of the proposal.

Van Drew’s bill would prohibit federal funds for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Secure Docket Card Program. It would also bar federal funds from being used to establish or implement the Secure Docket Card Program or a similar scheme.

The latest reports suggest crossings at the U.S.-Mexican Border are happening at a stunning rate of 10,000 per day.

“Using taxpayer funds to provide government-issued photo identification to illegal aliens is a back door to normalizing their presence while worsening the crisis at the southern border by further incentivizing more illegal migration,” said Rep. Bill Posey (R, FL-8).

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.