ROONEY: Colorado high court ruling validates the worst fears about our democracy

It may be a fool’s errand to debate yesterday’s Colorado Supreme Court ruling barring Donald Trump for its state primary ballot because doing so would be an acknowledgement – without basis – that the justices even attempted serious jurisprudence. Reading Section 3 to exclude a candidate from a federal election on the basis of an unproven accusation of encouraging – or even simply refusing to condemn – an election-related riot is… requires a level of mental gymnastics that would earn Olympic gold.

“I have been involved in the justice system for thirty-three years now, and what took place here doesn’t resemble anything I’ve seen in a courtroom,” Justice Carlos Samour wrote in his fiery dissent to the 4-3 decision relying upon an deliberate manipulation of the 14th Amendment.

He’s right of course, although Justice Samour may only be referring to Colorado’s courtrooms. Colorado is now a bit of an outlier of sorts but it’s hardly divorced from a larger troubling trend. We’ve seen hyper-partisan insanity in more than one jurisdiction as of late, most prominently evidenced by the New York cases currently being pressed against the 45th President of the United States and his crumbling real estate empire.

The Left is shamelessly weaponizing the courts, the FBI, the DOJ, and any other institutions upon which it can lay its unclean hands to win the war to fundamentally transform America beyond recongition. It’s the final stage of a years-long offensive to turn bedrock American institutions including public schools into secular madrasas for the perpetration and reinforcement of anti-American beliefs.

Let’s call out all of this – in New York, Colorado, and everywhere in between – for what is divorced even from the specifics of the ideological angles: a naked and systemic attempt to subvert democracy. Exactly what the Left has consistently accused Donald Trump of perpetrating from the days of the since-debunked “Russia Hoax” forward through the present! Few are naturally willing to own up to the irony because the Left is playing for keeps this time around. They’re nervously monitoring the polls showing President Trump leading Joe Biden by significant margins and lapping the GOP primary field with incumbent-level percentages.

They can’t let him win. They won’t let him win.

Trump’s mistake and his supporters’ mistake up until this point was always fretting over computer software conspiracies and the latest “shiny penny” when the true threat to our country’s unity, as Lincoln long ago noted, was always lurking the hearts of its own citizens. Our doom is always in our own hands.

Ballots will be harvested. The Rule of Law will be ignored. Ethical norms will be mutilated. Cheating, yes, will occur. Dangerous lines will be crossed and the rhetoric is already past the boiling point. Ultimately, the health of the Republic – already failing – is actively being sacrificed to end Trump, arguably the last national Republican politician with both the will and ability to effectively challenge the prevailing far-Left Narrative. He’s not a threat because he’s a conservative messiah. He’s a threat because he’s the last guy with the means and the balls to refuse to kneel.

Where’s the opposition? Republicans haven’t successfully mustered their own voters in recent cycles – most recently in Election 2023 right here in New Jersey – in large part because they’ve failed to adequately demonstrate a genuine desire to combat all of the civic atrocities laid out above.

And so we enter the endgame of a decades-old struggle for this nation’s future, Save Jerseyans. I’m being factual, not melodramatic. Note the time of day. All that remains is for you, me, and John and Jane Everyman to choose sides. If the Left succeeds in winning Election 2024 by deciding it before the voting even begins by LITERALLY rigging the outcome with tactics including blocking ballot access to the opposition, then what will Americans do? What will YOU do? Meekly accept the end of democratic rule in the country and yield the 21st Century to China? Or get off of the sidelines and stand “athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it”?

The time for choosing is upon us. The choice carries more gravity than any faced by any person alive today. I hope you choose wisely.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.